I do

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            Bellezza wraps her arms around Neamh tightly, not wanting to let her go. The young girl is the princess’ first real friend, her first confident, the first person to know at least a little of her past. Why does she have to leave so soon? What will she do without her? Who will she talk to now? Bellezza’s mind drifts the night in the garden when the wolf almost ripped their insides out. If Abernathy hadn’t been there- the princess shudders at the thought.

            Neamh is even more reluctant to leave. She wants to find out more about the mysterious Saharan princess. She now realizes that girl she’s holding right now is far from simple. There are so many things hiding deep inside her that force her to be this mean and bitter princess. But Neamh knows better now. She has gotten a glimpse of the real Bellezza and now she never wants to let that go.

            The two release each other almost in tears. Milis notices this and places a soothing hand on her daughter’s shoulder. Over the days, she had seen the look in the two princess’ eyes. The friendship brewing between them was unmistakable. And now she sees the fear of that friendship may diminish. Eric grabs his wife’s hand and leads her outside. Neamh follows close behind while tugging on her little brother’s hand. Once settled in the car, Milis looks out the window at the royals standing in front of their house. Bellezza’s face looks long and sad but a small smile rests on her lips. Richard is staring at the car, blankly with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Vita, however, is watching Milis and waving goodbye. She smiles and returns her friend’s wave. Satisfied, Vita gives the queen knowing look and it is then that Milis notices a portion of Saharan soldiers gathering in a smaller car behind them.

            As the car begins to move slowly across the gravel, the red haired queen begins to watch the scenery as it goes by. Everything is the same as before when she first arrived in Sahara but the queen sits up in her seat upon noticing something she hadn’t seen before. Just to the left of the large, white palace, a single cross marks a spot on the grass. A bright blue ribbon is knotted at the top and a name is written across the middle. Milis’ eyes squint as she tries to get a better look at the big black letters. She makes out a T and an E but the car begins to speed up before she can read anymore.


            Vita circles her daughter in the middle of the piano room. She is conflicted at the moment. Her anger at the young girl for leaving her room so late has not subsided. The trust she once had for Bellezza has vanished and she no longer wants her to be alone during the night. The queen’s mind is scrambling with options on how to handle the situation.

            “I’ve tried to round up a few soldiers to come with us to the wedding,” Vita says, stopping to stand before her daughter. “But your father won’t have it. He says if I just have to have someone to look after you, it must be one man and not the dozen that I originally suggested.”

            Bellezza lowers her eyes and stares at the blindingly, white carpet. Her shoulders slump as her freedoms are ripped away from her. But she brought this on herself, didn’t she? All the nights spent leaving her room to watch the stars… She should’ve known it would blow up sooner or later. The princess raises her eyes to watch her mother.

            “So,” Vita starts, placing her hands on her hips. “I’ve decided to invite the farmer to watch after you.”

            Bellezza’s heart jumps out of her chest. “The farmer,” her eyes roam the room as her mind processes the new information. “That’s a little extreme don’t you think?”

            “Nonsense,” she waves her hand away and calls for Marie. “Would you be a dear and fetch Alerclathy from the farms?”

            “Abernathy,” Bellezza clarifies. “His name is Abernathy.”

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