Rash Decision

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            The sleek black town car rolls to a stop in front of a small white house. Milis steps onto the gravel pathway and stares at the quaint looking home.

            Are we doing the right thing? Should we take him from all that he’s known and drop him into our world- a world that he knows nothing about?

            Sensing her worry, Eric grabs her small hand in his. Looking into his wife’s vibrant green eyes her doubts are easy to see, swirling in the pools like a vortex and sucking all the happiness from her face.

            “Everything will be alright,” the king murmurs as he kisses her cool hand. “This is what we wanted remember?”

            Milis nods as an uneasy feeling knot in her stomach. “But is this what he wants?”

            “There is only one way to find out.” The king of Liam gestures to the door and waits for Milis to take the first shaky steps forward before following.

            When Hope opens the door, Milis can see her puffy red eyes and stuffy nose. The woman tries to conceal her sorrow with a warm smile but not even a cheerful mood can hide her tear stained cheeks and sad eyes. Hope offers the royals cups of steaming tea before sauntering off to find Abernathy. Henry, although very nervous about being in the presence of his King and Queen, engages the couple in light conversation. Eric eagerly joins in, happy for the distraction. Milis is quite the opposite. She cannot allow her mind to drift off for she is far too nervous. Instead, she wanders into the halls of the house. Pictures line the walls, one on top of the other. The queen smiles at a particular picture of Hope and Henry. Milis assumes that it is of their wedding day. Hope wears a long white dress with a bouquet of roses in her hands. Long chestnut curls hang to her waist and a smile brightens her features. A younger Henry looks dashing in a plain dress shirt and slacks but what really catches Milis’ eye is the way Henry’s eyes glow with one clear emotion: Love.

            “Your Highness,” Hope’s voice breaks Milis’ trance. The queen smiles at the woman who only watches the floor beneath her. “This is Abernathy.” Hope steps aside and a tall yet familiar boy bows in greeting. Milis’ stomach is doing flip flops as the boy slowly straightens.

            This is it. I’ll know if this is my son once I see his eyes.

            Abernathy stands up straight and the queen’s breath catches in her throat.

            Those eyes. Those amazingly blue eyes.

            “Amharach,” Milis whispers. “My son- my Amharach.”

            Hope’s tears run freely now as Milis calls her husband. Eric is taken aback at the sight of Abernathy for the boy looks like a younger version of himself. They have the same wheat colored hair and blindingly bright eyes. They share the same sharp nose and full lips. Although Eric’s features are chiseled and blocky, Abernathy’s are more rounded, favoring the queen.

            Looking at Eric and Abernathy staring at one another, Hope doesn’t try to wipe her tears. The resemblance is unmistakable. Abernathy Johansson is Amharach Smithy. Abernathy is the lost prince of Liam.


            Bellezza gingerly sips the wine in her glass. Her eyes scan the ballroom as nobles, friends of the family and other unmentionables converse about her upcoming marriage to the prince of Neosha.

            Look at them, all laughs and giggles. They are oblivious to the happenings underneath the shimmering lights and dazzling gowns. My guests are blind to the turmoil in my heart and the unhappiness that clouds my thoughts. All they see is a royal alliance happening in no less than a week.

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