Fatal Mistake

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Abernathy swings his sack over his shoulder and readjusts the grip on his suitcase. He exits the boat and walks the rest of the way to his house using the sunset’s glow as guide. Once at the front door, his mother embraces him with loving arms. Aber had called her before he left Sahara to let her know of his unemployment. He didn’t, however, tell her the reason why. Hope had been upset upon receiving the call. Who are they- the Saharan royals- to fire her son for an unjust reason?

            Aber throws his things in his room and grabs a jacket from the closet. His mother watches him as he approaches the front door, preparing to leave.

            “Where are you going?” She asks as his hand found the knob of the door.

            “I need to be alone.”

            He doesn’t wait for any more of her questions as he walks outside into the chilly night air. The cool breeze whips at his cheeks but he doesn’t bother raise the collar of his jacket. The icy wind helps him forget about the pain in his heart. Even though he’s trying to forget, he knows it’s still there- slowly breaking into a million pieces. The tears in Bellezza’s eyes keep resurfacing and the scene plays over and over again, never letting him rest. And every time he thinks about her, the look in her eyes, he feels sick to his stomach.

            Arriving at his destination, Aber pushes through the doors and takes the first available seat at the bar. Quickly downing his first two orders of tequila, he leans forward on his elbows and stares into the distance. So lost in thought, he doesn’t notice the sultry blonde beside him.

            She watches him order another round of shots but doesn’t speak until they’re all empty.

            “You must really be going through it,” she says, eyeing him with wide grey eyes.

            Abernathy looks up, noticing her for the first time. The girl’s curly hair hangs over her shoulders and a tight dress clutches her body, practically causing her breasts to explode through the top. Turning back to his the empty shot glasses he orders a tall beer.

            “Do you want to talk about it?” The girl sits closer to Aber and leans her face on her hand, causing the blonde curls to slide over her face.

            The boy shrugs after accepting his beer. He takes a long gulp of the fowl tasting liquid and looks at the blonde. “Who are you?”

“I’m Mary. Mary Cloverman,” she states with a glossy smirk.

His vision is becoming blurry and his mind is already in a haze. His gaze drops down to her breasts and back up to her eyes. “What do you want?” Abernathy finally asks.

            Mary grins and brings her mouth to his ear and whispers, “I want to make you feel better.”


            Bellezza leans forward over her writing desk and slowly begins to end her composition. She’s so engrossed in her work that she doesn’t notice the queen as she walks in. Vita sits on Bellezza’s bed and watches her for awhile wondering what she’s thinking.

            “Darling,” the queen’s voice is soft and tentative, “I’m so sorry.” The princess doesn’t acknowledge her mother’s presence, only continues writing notes on the page. “I wish I could do something.”

            Bellezza whirls in her chair and gives her mother the best glare she can muster through watery eyes. “Why don’t you?”

            Vita shrugs and heaves a tired sigh. “I cannot. You’re father has it in his head that marrying Jacovee is what’s best for you.”

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