Sound of Music

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            Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night that Princess Neamh meets her betrothed for the first time. She stands at the top of the grand staircase waiting for her announced arrival. The Liam royals had arrived in the kingdom of Ludania early this morning to have tea with the king and queen and to get Neamh ready for the party.

            As she stands alone looking over the banister at the many guests her future family had invited, the young princess’ heart begins to beat faster and faster. So many questions regarding her prince run through her head. What does he look like? Have I spotted him in the crowd? Is he as nervous about meeting me as I am about meeting him? She runs a hand through her red curls and down her glittery dress. The horns sound and the chatter of the party guests die down as the announcer gestures for Neamh to come forward.

            “Let me introduce, Her Royal Highness, Princess Neamh of Liam,” his voice booms throughout the ball room.

            The princess takes a deep breath before descending the stairs.


            Prince Alex Coffman of Ludania stares in awe at the woman walking down the stairs. Her hair is a sea of flames, resting in voluminous curls on her shoulders. Her skin is fair, not a blemish in sight and the golden dress that adorns her many curves allow her blue eyes to sparkle. His heart is beating a mile a minute at the thought of dancing with such a girl. Although tonight she seems to illuminate when compared to the other guests, the prince can tell that there is a fierce streak in her- a streak that separates her from all the rest, a streak that he will like very much.

            Running a hand through his dark locks, Alex approaches the princess and bows at the waist. His eyes meet hers and smiles break across their faces. He quickly realizes that she is even more beautiful up close. Clearing his throat, Alex straightens and gives her a dazzling grin.

            “Princess Neamh, it is an honor to meet you,” he says. “I am Prince Alex.”

            “Are you the man I’m to marry?” She asks, eyeing him up and down.

            The prince nods. “I am.” At the slight frown that her smile becomes, his heart begins to race. “Am I a disappointment?”

            Again, she meets his eyes. “You are far from it,” she says quickly. “You’re just not what I expected.”

            “May I ask what is was that you wished me to be.”

            “I thought that you’d be one of those stuck up princes who only care about power.” She takes a step closer and gives him a questioning glance. “Are you one of those stuck up princes?”

            Quickly, Alex shakes his head. “No, not at all,” he says.

            Neamh smiles and grabs his hand. “Good,” she grins. “Now you can dance with me.”

            Together they take to the dance floor, hand in hand, gliding around the smooth floor. Guests step away to allow the couple their first dance. As they dance, Neamh finds herself staring at his eyes. They’re a mixture of brown and green and blue. Never had she seen such eyes. They captivate her so much that she feels as if she’s drowning in them and doesn’t notice that she is still staring as the music ends.

            Coming back to reality, Neamh takes a step away from the prince, finally realizing just how close they were. Nervously, she pushes a stray curl behind her ear and walks to the buffet table. She can hear him behind her and isn’t surprised when he grabs her arm, turning her to face him.

            “You don’t have to run off,” he says, taking a step towards her. The prince likes the feel of her body close to his. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

            “I know you won’t,” Neamh whispers, averting her eyes to the floor.

            Alex lifts her chin, not wanting her look away- he likes her eyes too much. “Do you like music?”

            At her nod, he quickly pulls her into the music room. A large piano sits in the middle of the room along with an electric and acoustic guitar. The walls are lined with shelves that are filled with music. Alex, feeling more confident in his element, grabs his acoustic and sits on a stool, gesturing for the princess to sit beside him.

            “You play guitar?” Neamh asks, sitting next to him.

            He nods and begins to strum and play a few cords before playing a song that he promised he’d play for his future wife. The prince sings softly to his fiancée, letting his words caress her in every way possible. The lyrics to his song take flight, filling the air with the words of his dreams but not without filling Neamh’s heart, as well.

            As he continues to play, the princess finds herself humming. She too lets her voice fill the room as she joins him in singing the last of the song. The room is silent as the two stare at each other.

            “You have a beautiful voice,” he whispers.

            “It’s not as beautiful as your song,” Neamh says softly.

            Slowly, Alex leans in and kisses her lightly. Suddenly, the princess pulls away and steps back against the wall. Her face is bright red and her eyes are to the floor.

            “I’m sorry,” he says quickly. “I didn’t mean to-“

            “It’s alright,” she meets his eyes again and smiles. “Can you play another song?”

            With a grin, the prince begins to strum on his guitar.


            The Saharan soldiers have searched every home in Liam, looking for the lost prince. Feeling defeated, General Brandon sits with his men in a bar. While the cadets have their fun, the general continues to think of a way to find the boy. He will not return to Sahara until he has completed his mission.

            The bartender approaches his table and begins to the fill the general’s glass with ale. The woman is small with wavy brown hair and green eyes. As she begins to leave, the general grabs he arm. She wretches herself away from him, glaring through slit eyes. Quickly, he introduces himself.

            “I am General Timothy Brandon of the Saharan Royal Guard,” the general pulls out a picture of the lost prince that he had obtained from Queen Milis. He shows it to the woman. “Have you seen this boy?”

            “I’m afraid I haven’t, sir,” she says. “But he does look an awful like my son.”

            At this the general sits up in his chair. “You have a son, madam?”

            She nods. “I do.”

            “Do you have any more pictures, that I may see, Miss-“

            “I do have a few more at my house. I’d be happy to show them to you.” The woman hangs up her apron and gestures for the general to follow her. “And my name is Hope Johansson.”

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