Kissing Cherries

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AuthorLady is back with a few kind words. I've edited this chapter so no worries. But if you find anything, anything at all, let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can!!! Enjoy

            Bellezza crosses her arms over her chest and glares at the grinning girl sitting on her bed as if their feud is nothing but a distant memory.

            “You shouldn’t be here,” the princess says quickly.

            “Now, now, let’s not get too feisty.” Anne laughs and stands. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t drop in every now and then?”

            Bellezza scoffs. “A good one if you ask me.”

            “I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

            With purposeful strides, the princess pushes Anne out of the room but before a door can be slammed, Anne places her foot in the room refusing to be kicked out without the final word.

            “Bells, you never answered my question,” she says with a wicked grin. “Have you found a hubby yet?”

            “That’s none of your business.”

            Anne shrugs. “I guess you’re right.” Ever so slowly the girl raises her left hand and wiggles her fingers, showing off the diamond engagement ring wrapped around her fourth finger. “Looks like marriage is another thing I’ve beaten you at.”

            Bellezza slams the door just as the girl’s foot is removed. Her laughter is loud and obnoxious but slowly fades as she retreats down the hallway. All her life Anne has out done the princess. First it was horseback riding and dancing, then it was school and now its marriage. Bellezza clenches and unclenches her fists. She just has to remember that she is the princess and Anne is nothing more than the Baroness’ daughter. Nothing more, she repeats silently- nothing more.

            A sudden knock on her door makes Bellezza jump. She opens it slowly and finds the young Neamh waiting on the other side.

            “Princess, is there something wrong?” Concern fills her eyes as Bellezza opens the door wider. “I heard yelling.”

            Too tired to be snarky, she beckons Neamh inside and shuts the door silently. “It was nothing for you to worry yourself over.” She sighs heavily and settles on her bed next to a comfortable looking Neamh.

            “Who was the girl?”

            “Her name is Anne. Her mother is the Baroness meaning naturally she is of high rank. Her mother and my mother have had their disputes but because of each other’s political power in Sahara, they keep in touch.” Bellezza shrugs and rests her elbows on her knees, finally feeling the weight that has been on her shoulders for years begin to lift. “Anne and I haven’t been friends for years. We were at competition for everything. When we were ten, my mom entered me in the horse racing competition. The Baroness found out and entered Anne too. She beat me by a tenth of a second. When we turned thirteen, I signed up for a dance competition. Anne signed up too and beat me by a point and a half. At fifteen, I was recognized for my academic excellence- I maintained a 3.5 all semester. Anne beat me second semester with a 4.0. Now she’s engaged and I’m still searching.”

            Neamh grabs Bellezza’s hand, feeling sorry for the princess. “Do you ever have time for yourself?”

            With a shake of her head Bellezza looks up at Neamh’s kind face. The girl’s sparkling green eyes are filled with such kindness and compassion. She smiles softly, glad to finally have someone to talk too. “Thank you,” she says after awhile.

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