Forever Hold Your Peace

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            Abernathy slowly opens his eyes and smiles at the body next to him. He kisses her neck and pushes strands of her wild hair out of her eyes. She rolls over and snuggles into his chest. Aber tightens his grip on her waist and kisses her head.

            “Good morning, love,” he whispers into her ear. The girl’s eyes open to reveal the warm brown orbs that he has fallen in love with. Bellezza smiles and wraps her arms around his neck. The warmth of her body next to his is a feeling that Aber never wants to forget.

            “Aber,” Bellezza whispers in the dark of their room. “Aber, dear,” the princess’ voice shifts to that of the queens. “Wake up, Aber.”

            Aber reluctantly leaves the dream realm to find his mother standing over him. Milis smiles and runs a hand through her son’s golden hair. “Breakfast is ready,” she says as she flits out of the room.

            Groaning, Abernathy leaves the warmth of his bed, the feeling of his one true love has vanished. He sighs inwardly and dresses before joining the rest of the royal family- his family- in the dining hall. Eric sits at the north head of the table, a newspaper in his hands. The king gingerly sips his coffee and acknowledges his son with a slight head nod. Milis sits at the south end of the table. She smiles at Aber and pats the seat next to her as breakfast is served.

            Abernathy looks around the dining room, finding that there is only the king, queen, and himself at breakfast. Where is Neamh?

            “Queen Milis- I mean, Mother, where is Neamh?” Aber struggles to say the right thing. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to calling the red haired queen of Liam, Mother.

            “Neamh rarely eats breakfast. Have you checked out back or the music room perhaps?”

            Before Aber can reply, the queen’s messenger approaches the table. She bows to each member of the family before handing a crisp white envelope to Her Majesty. The king lowers his paper, as his wife examines the seal on the letter.

            “It’s from Sahara,” she muses while opening it slowly. At the mention of his former workplace, Abernathy thinks of Bellezza. He can almost picture her drinking her morning brew while bent over the keys of her Baby Grand, playing one of her original compositions. She will never know how much he yearns to be near her once again.

            Milis’ eyes scan the letter quickly. “Oh, my,” she whispers as she continues to read.

            “What’s wrong?” Aber sits straighter in his chair. “What’s happened? Is everything okay?”

            Milis lowers the letter and gives Aber a sad smile. “It seems the princess is getting married today.”

            Abernathy’s heart sinks into his stomach. “What was that? You said she’s getting carried today?” Hoping he’d heard his Mother incorrectly, Aber struggles to come up with something else that she may have said. Anything will be better than the ‘m’ word.

            “No, dear,” the queen sighs and hands the letter back to her messenger who bows and exits the room. “She is getting married this afternoon. To a Prince Jacovee of Neosha, the letter said.” She shrugs. “I guess it was a last minute type of thing.”

           Aber pushes away his breakfast much to his mother’s worry. “Are you alright, my dear? You are not hungry?”

            Shaking his head, the boy rises from his seat and tries to make a hasty exit. “Dear, please come back,” his mother calls. “Are you alright?”

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