Farm Boy

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It's me. Yes I'm back again. I want to say that his chapter has been edited to the best of my ability. If you find any mistakes, don't hesitate to let me know :) Enjoy!

Bellezza closes her eyes and relishes in the cool water lapping lazily across her head. The sixteen year old princess crosses her perfectly manicured hands in her lap and feels herself relax under the soothing hands of her maids washing her hair. A comb snags a curl causing Bellezza to jump. She glares at the maid.

            “Are you trying to pull my hair out, Annabelle?” She spits. The maid shivers under the princess’ intense gaze.

            “No. My apologies, Princess,” the maid curtsies and continues her work.

            Before Bellezza can close her eyes once more, the large double doors open and the queen, in all of her glory, walks in. The crème colored fabric of her dress billows in the breeze as her heels click and clack against the marble floor with powerful, purposeful strides. The maids lift Bellezza in the chair and begin drying her hair. Vita approaches her daughter and nods to the maids as they curtsy.

            “The guests have arrived, so I suggest you get ready.” The woman’s eyes roam across the princess’ silk robe and slippers. She clicks her tongue with distaste. “How can you possibly roam around the palace looking like that,” she sighs. Bellezza waves away the maids. The queen waits until they are no longer in sight before speaking again. “My daughter, you have a reputation to uphold and walking around in a robe and slippers, isn’t doing it much justice, now is it?”

            The young girl rolls her eyes and begins brushing her hair. “I will be dressed soon. Just tell the princes to wait.” Her heart grows heavy at the thought of the task she was to complete today.  Ever since the disappearance of her betrothed, the princess has been trying to find a new fiancée. In order to be crowned queen on her seventeenth birthday the girl must be married. As of now, she is sixteen and her birthday is fast approaching. Hoping to speed along the process, her parents sent invitations to the neighboring kingdoms asking for any available suitors to come and visit Sahara in hopes that their only daughter will choose a husband. Today is the day to meet with all of them. The problem is that this is the last thing Bellezza wishes to do. Her throat feels dry and her stomach becomes queasy at thought of her choosing a husband.

            Vita sighs and looks at her daughter. “Are you sure that this is what you want?” She asks. Although she and her husband want Bellezza to be married soon, they still don’t want to push her. They want her to choose to do this freely. “Your father and I can call everything off. You don’t have to choose now if you don’t want to.”

Bellezza meets her mother’s eyes. Sadness flashes across the princess’ face but is gone quicker than it had come. She nods once. Having to meet with so many men is considered a chore in the princess’ book, but all chores, no matter how agonizing, must be done. Vita stands and gives her daughter a small smile. “We will be in the courtyard. I would prefer for you to join us in ten minutes.” And with that the queen walks out of the room.

            With a sigh, Bellezza enters her bedroom and braces her hands on the marble dresser staring at her reflection. The girl in the mirror doesn’t look like the fearless princess she pretends to be. In fact, the reflection doesn’t look like a princess at all, but instead a saddened teenage girl. Bellezza closes her eyes unable to face the reality of her unhappiness. Only after taking a few shaky breaths does she proceed to get dressed. Once clothed, her maids enter her room and put on the last finishing touches to her outfit. At last her tiara is placed on her head, complimenting the princess’ tightly twisted bun. She takes one last look in the mirror and sighs with content. This time the girl staring back at her looks as regal as ever. Princess Bellezza then puts on her snootiest face, turns on her royal attitude, and of course, her Italian charm before walking out of the door.

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