Chapter 26

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*Something weird happened to my wattpad so I had to post the last few chapters again*

Chapter 26

A sigh of relief echoed around the room as Harry's familiar curly mop peeked around the door frame of the private labour room.

'Who wants to meet their new Niece and nephew?' He asked all of us. I beamed. A little girl and a little boy. Perfect. I took Nialls hand, easing him up carefully. Luckily is injuries weren't as bad as we thought so the wounds on his stomach was just cleaned out and bandaged up.

We all went into panic mode when Nat announced that the babies were on there way. Coats were laid out and she was gently laid on them. Harry was shaking so bad. Finally the ambulance came but only Harry was aloud on.

So we've been here for hours, waiting.

Alex was arrested for assault and for attempted murder. The police assumed that Alex was trying to kill the babies when he attacked Nat. As Nat was only 7 1/2 months pregnant the babies are premature. They have to stay in hospital for the next 2weeks. Only getting home just before Christmas. Rosie's with my mum, until we sort the problems were all facing out. But besides the few flaws, my life feels pretty perfect.

I have a beautiful daughter. Who I get to share with the most amazing man ever, I have loving friends who I now classify more as family.

I held Nialls hand as he walked slowly towards the labour room. When we made it there last, the group was surrounded around Nats bed where her, Harry and the two babies were lying. When we reached the bedside tears filled my eyes.

They were adorable. The baby girl wrapped in the pink blanket had bright green eyes and dark brown hair. She smiled slightly besides her only being a few hours old. I already saw dimples forming. Just like Harry. The baby boy wrapped in the light blue blanket was more like Natasha. He had shinny blue eyes, with browny blonde hair. He too had Harry's dimples.

'Oh Nat, their beautiful' I cooed. She handed the little girl to Niall and I. I cradled her in my arms.

'Baby Darcy. I want you to meet your god parents, Emma and Niall' Harry beamed. I felt Nialls arm slip around my waist. 'Thank you!' I smiled at the two. They really were an amazing couple.

For the start of the day to begin so awful, it ended pretty great.



There's still about 2 or 3 left.

Also I know this is short but I don't want to drag It on:)

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