Chapter 1

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My Four leaf Clover - Squeal to The Luck Of the Irish.


Chapter 1

'Okay baby girl you be good for grandma and grampa okay?' I asked my 4 year old daughter as I kissed her goodbye and climbed into my black mini.

'Wove u mummy' she called as I started my engine.

'Love you too Rosie! See you soon'

Pulling out the familiar drive way of my parents home in Wolverhampton I sighed. I watched as my little girl waved until I was out of sight. I suppose your wondering what's happened over the last 4 years. Well I should tell you.


When i left for the airport I boarded the quickest plane, which happened to be too Sydney in Australia. I hadn't put much thought into where I would stay or what I would do for money but it was my last resort.

I turned off my phone after receiving voicemails of Niall begging me to come back. Messages from the boys telling me to stop being stupid, that Niall really does love me and that it's killing him.

I hadn't finished Uni. All I had was my baby who would be on it's way soon. It was hard it Australia at first. I started off working clothes shop. Selling clothes. That's we're I met Alex. A typical Australian. Blonde messy hair, muscles and a tan. He owned a huge fashion company and he wanted me to come work there due to my artistic backround. Saying I would bring new life to the clothes there. I didn't argue and at this stage I was 5months pregnant.

Alex and I became really good friends and he asked me out. Our relationship grew from there I guess. He was there when my waters broke, and he was there when I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Rosie. She had light brown wavy hair and the biggest bluest eyes. Everytime I looked at them it reminded me of what was.

She also had an appetite to kill and a amazingly hilarious laugh that she was well known for. She didn't really care much about what people thought of her and she talked to anyone who was willing to answer her. She got most of her characteristics from Niall.

I haven't spoke to any of the boys or the girls since I left. I've only ever returned home knowing that I had no chance of running into then. My mum said that Liam was constantly ringing her asking how I was but she never told him were I was living. As far as he was concerned I'd vanished. None of them knew if I'd had the baby, nor if it was a boy or girl. I preferred to keep it that way though.

After Alex and I had been together 2 and a half years he proposed. And I said yes. That was 1year ago now. He got a huge opportunity to move over to England were he would be designing clothes for big stars and I got promoted to being a stylist for them. Doing makeup and mix and matching there clothes. I know it was never something I wanted to do but I loved it.

The down side was moving back to England. To London to be exact. We're I was constantly living in fear of running into one of the guys or girls. We'd only just moved. About a week ago and I was leaving Rosie with my mum so we could sort out or apartment.

It was one of those expensive apartments. I had to admit we were kinda wealthy but that was only because the clothes were hugely popular.

I never told Alex who Rosie's dad was. Nor did I tell my family. Even Rosie. Till everyone it was a one night stand. Only The five guys and four girls knew. As far as I know they never spoke about it.

I never did feel the same way about Alex as I did about Niall. The kisses never lived up to his. Nor did the hugs. I do love Alex though. He was my savour. My angle sent from haven and in a month and a half I would be marrying him in a beautiful chapel in London.


Authors Notes


Okay guys I know I said I'd wait till November but I got over the 8,000 reads so I decided just to continue:) hope you's are happy with what's happening so far and that you's aren't too disappointed:D

Oh yeah and also I can't believe the reads and votes I've got on The Luck of The Irish!! It's only been up two months and I'm so happy with it, updates for this book won't be as regular as the last because of school and all and also my mum had a baby boy so I'm always busy:/ I'll find time to write for you all though, promise:)

Oh and I have this whole book planned because I've been thinking about it for a little while but the way I've planned it means there will be another book continuing the story after this:)

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