Chapter 1

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DundyNotFound. Office au.


¡George Pov:

I woke up and felt two different arms over my body, I smiled softly and looked over to each side of myself to see a sleeping Fundy and a sleeping Dream.

¡Third Pov:

George gently kissed both of their foreheads which the two sleeping males smiled a little, he then got up and got ready for work he yawned quietly "hm, tired...where did those dorks put my goggles." George walked around the room once he couldn't find them he left the room in search of his goggles. While he was looking Dream came up behind George and hugged him "good morning gogy, how did you sleep?" "I slept fine now where are my goggles" "that's not how you talk to your boss George~" Dream kisses George's neck gently "s shush and just tell me also you have no power over what i do because we aren't at work" George gently hit Dream's nose.

¡Dream Pov:

I chuckle quietly and let go of George then walk off to go get his goggles, me and Fundy hid cause we wanted to be able to see George's pretty eyes but i just gave his goggles back "thank you Dream" "your welcome George also, you got a bite mark on your neck" i watched as George's face went a little red "alright, thanks"he mumbles. Fundy walked over and nuzzled his face into my shoulder. I also feel Patches rub against my leg. "Good morning Patches" George said and crouched down to pet Patches there was a small happy tail wag from Fundy when George kissed his cheek.

~an hour later~

¡George Pov:

I finished some papers that Dream gave him, but here i have to call him Clay but i find it funny it makes him flustered and it's funny. But as i was walking to his office a few of my female co-workers stopped me "um yes?" "we were wanting to ask if you could go to the bar with us this afternoon, since last time we went by ourselves a bunch of creeps came up to us.." "oh um sure, I can come, is there going to be anyone else?" "not yet, we're thinking about asking some guys i know from another department" "cool well i have to go boss will get moody if he doesn't get these papers" i said then walked away it was a little odd since i've only spoken to those women a few times oh well and i'm confused on why they asked me out of all the guys whatever. I knocked on the door "come in!" I heard Dream say then i opened the door this dork still had to cover his face so the lower half was covered with a white mask "oh hello George, can you close the door please?" "sure you big baby"i said closing the door then i made my way over to him setting the papers down "there you go all finished and organized for you" "thank you George" "maybe i should get a reward for doing something that isn't my job~"i said grabbing him by the tie loosely he looked nice in a suit not going to lie but it was fun watching his face heat up a little "and you get onto me for flirting, but if that's what you want then that's fine~" he said gently grabbing my hair and pulling my head back a little "D-Dream, not my hair please" i whined a little. "Well then leave my tie alone Gogy"he let go and i let go of his tie, i fixed my hair up then started to walk back to the door just to hear a whistle sound "shut up, or you'll be stuck with that all night~" i then left the room hearing Dream cough and went to go say something but i closed the door on him.


It was time for me to leave and i saw the girls by the door "we'll meet up with the other guys once we get there, they said they'll get use a private room to stay in hopefully" one of them said "alright then, lets get going" i said then texted Fundy -i'll be home late, tell Dream- -got it <3- i smiled a little then followed behind the girls, there were four of them in total so if a group of guys came up to them no wonder they would have issues.


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