Chapter 11

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I laughed a little "is anyone planning on helping Wilbur cause i'm not" "meh he'll be fine, if he really wants to get up he'll carry them" Phil said i sat down next to Karl "oh hey Bad, why are we so close?" Sapnap asked "cause you got turned into a baby," Bad said as he went back to a human appearance "okay then, wait why?" "i said no and you still did it anyways"

Drista shrugged "hey i got two yes' sooo" "i wanna see baby Fundy," Jack said which made Niki gasp "me too!" "um wha- nono how about we don't turn me into a little kid? How about...grandpa gets turned younger" Fundy said moving behind Phil "oi-don't you dare you little shit" Phil said looking back. Fundy stuck his tongue out slightly "don't turn anyone else little" Dream said "don't make me go get a fork Clay, i will" I just laughed a little "why a fork??" "yeah why a fork?" George asked, after a couple of minutes later we heard from Drista "whoever talks after me gets turned younger!" "wait what-" i heard from Fundy, Ranboo and Phil.

¡Eret Pov:
I saw little Fundy and held my arms out "aw come here Fundy" he smiled and ran over to me curling up in my arms, Ranboo looked shorter and confused Phil looked the same more or less..which was weird "hm?" Phil just looked around confused "where am i? I doubted i've been kidnapped based off the environment" "no you haven't been kidnapped" Bad said Phil looked at him lifted an eyebrow "oh, hello so anyways where are my kids" Wilbur came inside with Tommy and Tubbo, Tubbo quietly made his way to Puffy.

Tommy though..he looked at Phil like if he was a stranger "Tommy?" Phil asked looking at the young boy he moved behind Wilbur holding onto his leg "who are you?" the blonde asked looking at Wilbur "someone close to Tommy and the other two" he said rubbing the back of his neck "Tommy you can go over to him" Wilbur said, Tommy let go and went over to Phil as Fundy started to squirm around in my arms.

I set him down and Fundy ran over to Wilbur hugging onto him "daddy!" "ah my son!" he picked up the small boy and nuzzled him, Tommy looked up to Wilbur confused "Wilby?" Phil looked at Tommy then at Wilbur before anything happened we heard "Aunt Puffy i like him!" Tubbo said hugging onto Ranboo Tommy looked over and came over to the two "okay then you guys can play if he wants to" the three boys then ran off "i wanna play with them" we heard Fundy quietly "of course you can but be careful since your clothes are a little big"

"A little is an understatement Wilbur," i said "shut up Eret you're the one who gave the outfit to him," Wilbur said putting Fundy down before rolling up his pant and shirt sleeves then the young boy ran off "aw they're so cute!" Niki chimed happily "hehe Niki you think anyone little is cute," Jack said chuckling "Wilbur?" Phil asked Wilbur sighed "yes dadza?" he asked looking at him "" "your in the future more or less and Tommy was just turned little" Wilbur said which clearly cleared it up for him "where's your brother," he asked Wilbur stood there thinking then shrugged.

"Don't know haven't seen him recently" Wilbur said Phil sighed and nodded "all right then" he said stretching "Phil you seem really calm in a situation where you don't know anyone here except two people?" Jack said "i have to agree," i said he looked over to us "i know exactly who you lot are, just because i don't act it Jack, Eret." he then proceeded to just relax join in conversation randomly until we heard "wait why did Tubbo call you Aunt Puffy?" Drista asked "not answering," Puffy said.

¡George Pov:
"Can we turn Bad little?" Sapnap asked, "why me?" "cause you would be so cute and tiny," me and Sapnap said jokingly "please don't because then things will go into chaos" "Nah i won't let it" Phil said. We watched as Bad gave Phil the most unamused look ever "no. I do not believe that statement" "damn" Charlie said "language" "we could turn Wilbur little" i said smirking "no gogy i don't want to be little" Wilbur said Dream just started to laugh "ahaha! Why did you say it like that??" then he turned younger, he looked at me "i'm going to marry you" i felt a little flustered that a 5-year-old was announcing that Fundy walked over "and i'm marrying you" Dream grabbed his hands, the other blushed "ok"

"Wow, your going to marry two people? Why not one?" I asked sitting on the floor in front of them and noticed that both of them blushed "b-because...your both cute" Dream said stuttering on his words a little "awh duckling your so cute" Puffy said, there was a cute laugh from Bad "shush mommy..please" Dream said pulling a small smile mask over his face to hide it "okay okay" she hummed. "What if i just turn everyone who isn't a parent," Drista said "please don't..." i whined slightly. She looked at me quietly "if you do mate you gotta turn yourself little" Phil said as i assumed he was back to his current age.

"buuuut...oh well i'm bored and no one can stop me!" Drista yelled.

¡Bad Pov:
"Why...just why?" i asked seeing different aged versions of everyone, surprisingly so was Wilbur but Eret wasn't, me, Phil, Sam, and Puffy were also all adults. Little Tommy ran over to Wilbur hugging onto him "Wilby!" "Tommy hey" Wilbur said he looked a little tired to be honest, i felt a gently tug at my pant leg and saw Sapnap, i smiled warmly "hi" i crouched in front of him "oh Jesus," Puffy said looking at all the kids "hello Hannah, hi George, hi Quackity," Sam said looking at the three of them as they stood next to or behind Sam.

I noticed that Sapnap was quietly glancing over to Karl, Quackity, Dream, and George "you can go play" i whispered quietly he smiled and ran off "you know you didn't show us not that long ago that you weren't human but god how did we all forget, jeez" Puffy said looking at me i shrugged "meh it's not all that big of a deal" i said before i gently picked up Ant "hi" he smiled and leaned against me.

I giggled quietly as i watched Puffy get surrounded by a bunch of the little kids, i noticed Wilbur and Tommy were outside with Tubbo and Ranboo "so um why am i child sized?" we heard from a soft voice i glanced around and noticed Foolish or tiny Foolish he had a more human look to him for the most part "awwhh..mate your so tiny" Phil said mocking him "silence Phil for i am still aware" Foolish said crossing his arms "wait how long will everyone be like this?" Eret asked holding Fundy who was sleeping "probably until she falls asleep she's also little" Foolish said.

"Makes sense" Puffy said, and then we watched as Dream was sitting outside with Wilbur, Tommy and Drista were also out there too "what are they doing?" "i don't wanna know" Phil said, a hour or so later i noticed that Wilbur and Tommy were clung onto Phil's legs as he moved and went he sat down they clung onto his sides he sighed "i have two children that need contact at all times and one that is determined to kill himself" he looked back and i did too to see Techno laying on the ground.

I was holding Sapnap i just nodded "i think Sam needs help" Puffy said i glanced over and noticed Sam was sitting there covered in moss, roses, and mushrooms as George and Hannah covered him in them and Quackity sat and watched "Sam are you alright?" I asked "fine" he responded. I had noticed that i had only seen Karl once since he was turned little and Skeppy not once...

I set Sapnap down knowing he would follow and i started looking for Karl or Skeppy it didn't help that everyone was at different ages "Karl? Zak?" I asked i felt Sapnap let go of my leg "Nick?" I watched as he walked away then moved behind something i watched as his tail swayed happily, i walked over to see him hugging a sleeping Karl who was surprisingly smaller then Nick.

I smiled warmly keeping a mental note where they were and went back to looking for Geppy i figured to check his room and i was correct i saw probably high school age roughly boy sitting on Skeppy's bed "Zak?" He quickly looked to me "how do you know my name?!" He asked getting defensive, i calmly walked in and sat on the floor in front of my "we're good friends you just don't remember me, but you can call me Badboyhalo, BBH or just Bad" i said smiling warmly.

"Alright then baldy" he said i frowned "i am not bald" i looked away some what upset but i hid it. He looked at me then poked my face "your a whiny bitch dude" "hey language!" I said quickly looking to him.

He laughed a little

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