Chapter 4

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.Fundy Pov:
I woke up and was met eye to eye with George and oh god his eyes were pretty, though i didn't get a good look due to him tightly closing his eyes, i kissed his cheek "good morning George" "morning"he mumbled looking down slightly he was flustered, i smiled and nuzzled him he let out a small laugh

"What are you two dorks doing?" Both me and George jumped and then we heard a wheeze as Dream rolled away a little, George reached over and hit him "jerk you scared me!" He frowned, Dream sat up and kissed his forehead then kissed my cheek "your okay gogy" he smiles then gets up and changes. George blushed some. I got up as well and change George went to get up and fell i quickly caught him "mhpf..."he muffled what i  could only assume a whine as he hid his face against me "you okay over there gogy, your legs are trembling," Dream said i could hear the smirk on his face "shut's your fault you went so hard" George said glancing up at the other male behind us "stop being so cute~"he winked and walked out. I chuckled and sat George down "here i'll help you out, you need to rest anyways"

As i was getting George dressed i noticed that he seemed tense "he told me..what happened" i mumbled i felt him jump a little.

^George Pov:

I looked off..i was expecting him to say something over it...maybe he wouldn't be as kind about as Clay, granted Clay wasn't kind about it at first. I felt a kiss on my forehead which made me blush a little and i looked at Fundy he smiled and hugged me "your all dressed" he let go and looked at me then got up and held his hand out, i took it and attempted to stand again i was really wobbly i leaned against Fundy i hated this "there i got you" he rocked me back and forth almost like if we were dancing. I sighed and leaned into his rocking i then felt another pair of hands onto my waist...i flinched and started to shake "George calm down it's just me" Dream said kissing the back of my head, i heard him and knew who both were holding me...but i couldn't stop shaking as well as my breath starting to pick up a tone.

I felt tears starting to form and fall i clung onto whatever or whoever was in front of me as i slowly started to go onto my knees, i couldn't see anything through my tears and it just looked dark. I quietly heard humming? I listened quietly and gently clung to the source..i calmed down enough to vaguely recognize who i was holding onto, it was Fundy he was also the one who was humming. I was also realizing that we were both sitting down with me leaning against him quite a bit "F-Fundy?" i asked softly and glanced up Fundy stopped humming and looked down at me and smiled "hey, you are alright?" he tilted his head a little his ears were perked up, i gently grabbed his tail and hugged it "soft" "h-hey! let's not a pillow!" he said flustered and a little moody "ah so things seem to be better" i heard a deep British voice, i turned around to see a man wearing a grey shirt and jeans, with sunglasses? "Eret! Yeah i was able to calm him down, but thanks for coming"i felt Fundy's tail tickle my face so it was wagging to some degree i let it go and sat up.

Eret crouched down in front of me and looked at me "hm, well there doesn't seem to be any harm so yeah. How are you feeling my friend?" he asked looking at me "um..fine"i said looking at him i couldn't see his eyes "but how did you calm him down? From what i was told he was having a pretty bad panic attack" "oh i hummed the song Wilbur used to sing to me" "ah. I see, that would make sense it did calm you down enough to make you fall asleep speaking of which you look a little sleepy Fundy" Fundy shook his head "no! I'm not sleepy.."he puffed his cheeks out and this Eret guy chuckled.

Dream came into the room and helped me up Fundy got up and offered his hand to Eret who was already getting up "oh...your already up"Fundy said a little flustered the other chuckled a little "whats up with the sunglasses" i said staring at Eret he looked at me "that is um, none of your business is the nicest way to say it" he said looking at me "hm..well theres no reason to wear them indoors" i said i didn't like this guy all that much. Dream held his hands out between the two of us "George calm down leave him alone" i looked off annoyed, then walked out the room "Oh! Fundy i remembered something, Wilbur is back for real this time. Him and Niki have been hanging out pretty much all day, i'm planning on going over to where they are would you like to come?" "wait really?? Yes! I wanna come with you i haven't seen Niki in a while either so i can go see her too" Fundy said he sounded ecixted 'Wilbur..? Have i heard that before..?' i thought but i also felt a little jealous but then again i don't know any of the realtions that Fundy has with them.

^Dream Pov:

I could sense George's jealous from where i was standing and i was in the room still with Fundy and this male Eret, i don't know him but Fundy told me to call him off his phone since he could help..though i guess Fundy handled it 'why did George get a panic attack like that..? Was it because what happened..?' "Dream- wait i just realized that i didn't propelly introduce you guys to Eret" Fundy said George was coming back into the room to grab his goggles and phone "no need Fundy i can handle it, Hello my name is Eret it is nice to meet you gentle men i suppose we might've had a rocky start" he bowed slightly "you can call me Dream, and thats George" i held my hand out to Eret he took it then let go. "It's nice to meet you gentle men, but i think i've lasted out my stay" i could tell he had glanced at George "aw okay, well i'm gonna finish getting myself together..text me the location?" Fundy said Eret nodded and smiled "of course" he said and the two walked out the room talking. "George, you alright?" "fine" he said he sounded a little jealous, i sighed and walked over gently setting my hands onto his arms "are you sure? I can already tell that your jealous, but i mean mentally" he looked at me quietly then looked down "mh, i'm fine Dream" he said then walked past me "Get off the cabinets!" "No! It's not my fault Dream puts shit so high up!" i started to laugh as i was just walking out the room.

"what the hell?!" i asked as i laughed leaning against the wall "calm down Dream, breath you and that stupid mask" George said looking at me i slowly started to stop laughing "it's not dumb George" i said still laughing a little he rolled his eyes and started to reach for something i came over and purposely moved it higher up, he hit me with his elbow and i just chuckled "Dream what the hell. I was reaching for that" he said annoyed and reached up more, i was standing behind him when i felt his ass grind against me "George what the hell?!" i said flustered. "What? I'm not doing anything, just trying to grab what you moved." he said and continued i ended up grabbing it and handed it to him he wormed away and walked off "thanks Dream"he said as he walks away 'fuck...i'm hard, he did that on purpose..great..' i thought and sighed leaning against the counter "fuck..." i muttered then i felt a hand on my waist "Dream you alright?" Fundy asked as he reached up and grabbed a cup "mh, yeah sorry am i in the way?" "nah"his tail wagged a little as he had blindly grabbed his favorite cup and went to the fridge "so how long are you gonna be out for?" "hm..i don't really know at least an hour" he said i nodded "okay then"

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