Chapter 9

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.Techno Pov:
I watched as Wilbur just sat down and started to braid Phil's hair shortly after Tommy joined em

"you should join them" i heard from some of the voices but ignored it "ah, why you two??" Phil said stuck standing where he was, a fox boy just sat next to Wil then turned to a fox and sat there watching purposely nipping at Phil's hair and pulling it "ack- you little shit! Stap it" he said barely glancing back.

The fox ran in front of Phil then turned back "okay grandpa" "eh?!-" i said confused Phil burst into laughter "haha oh yeah right mate well this is what happens when you spend so much time in the snow" he said in a mocking tone "shut up, it's better than being here." "well this is Fundy he's Wilbur's son and everyone else can introduce themselves" after being told a bunch of names that i guess i would try and bother to remember..i went back to watching Wilbur, Tommy.

They were still braiding hair "why do you do that so much..?" "cause it's fun and calming Techno and it's better than meditating with him," Wilbur said pointing up to Phil then went back to keeping his fingers in Phil's hair "is your hair just permanently dirty Phil?" he asked after a few minutes "if you mean it might be stained with dirt and some other stuff then yeah probably," Phil said then he just barely pulled out something random from his sleeve then put it back in and put his arms down to his sides "how did that item not fall..huh??" i heard in my head.

At some point i was just sitting with my eyes closed not to interested in talking and also trying to fall asleep i felt something pulling my hair out of it's bun, i glanced back and noticed Wilbur i went back to relaxing with my eyes closed and just let him braid my hair "no knots? I'm impressed" He said jokingly, i hit him with my elbow slightly "shut up Wil-i-am" "...." i chuckled quietly to his silence "it is Willaim Techno!" he said yanking on my hair "hey- don't do that Wil-i-am!" i said looking at him "Willaim!" the two of us kept bickering.

.Tommy Pov:
I watched Wilbur and Techno bicker before Phil said "awh calm down you two" "wait Willaim?" me and Charlie asked confused looking at Wilbur "yes my actually name isn't Wilbur though it's a nickname i've had for a long time" Wilbur said "dude i feel like my life is a lie, so wait who all goes by nicknames?" Charlie asks.

We watched as Skeppy's, Bad's, Foolish's, big Q's, and Ant's hands went up same with Sapnap's and Dream's "thats quite a few people" Eret said "you do to Eret" Foolish said and Eret raised his hand "that is true"he said "i feel like my life is a lie" Tubbo said looking at big Q "why are you looking at me?" "cause i've known you for so long..!" Tubbo whined "you technically go by a nickname to Toby" Quackity responded with "wait huh?" i looked at him.

"Tommy i told you my name was Toby but you thought i was saying Tubbo and after a while, i just stopped trying to correct," Tubbo said "oh fuck you" i said crossing my arms "language" Bad said "but i do know Skeppy's and Sapnap's real name" "that's no fair i don't know your real name Bad" Skeppy complained "i know Dream's actual name," George said "so do i" Fundy and Sapnap said.

Dream looked at them mainly George "don't you dare" "don't i dare what, Dream?" "you know exactly what" "fine i won't" George said "ew don't flirt with the gogs" i said sticking my tongue out.

Wilbur and Jack nodded, Tubbo laughed a little and leaned against me i leaned back and he chuckled "i just remembered that Tommy doesn't know how to ride a bike" "oh fuck off!" i said pushing Tubbo away as he laughed "wait what- how?? you were never taught how?" Jack asked "nope" i said "damn dude thats sad.." Jack said "no Phil said learning how to make a camp-fire and sword fighting was more important" Wilbur said as Phil snickered 

.Bad Pov:
"why...just why..?" i asked looking at him "i wouldn't do that..theres no need" "there is a need mate, is called so you don't die" Phil said "you treat this like if war might just bust out" Foolish said i nodded in agreement.

"meh it's fine, besides only one of them picked it up all the much well the sword fighting at least" Phil said then looked to Techno "i'm..i'm not even surprised honestly.." i said softer "i'm better at sewing and fire-making them him" Wilbur said pointing at Techno "eh?!" Wilbur then started laughing "it's true Techno!" "Tommy can kinda sew" "shut up Tubbo"

I giggled and smiled, after a while i heard from Skeppy "hey Sam, Bad how long has this been in the house? Also this fits stupidly well" i turned around and felt my eyes widened...Sam turned to me then Skeppy "for a while now go take it off and put it back" my mind tuned everything out i was just watching Skeppy..

Tears threatened to form and fall but i fought them away slightly but i couldn't help but watch him he was wearing the outfit that he did in his past life granted he doesn't know that...i quietly walked up to the male and hugged onto him hiding my face against him closing my eyes, i gently felt his hand brush through my hair as my mind thought about all the things we did, said...

"me or the egg bad.."

"if i want to spend my time with sitting on the egg then that's what i chose to spend my time on"

"do you know how selfish that sounds?!"

"or what are you going to hit me?"

"stop hitting me Bad!"

i clung onto Skeppy more as i started to feel tears fall down my face as i couldn't help but start to think about all the bad things that happened between me and him

"it's just a dumb egg!" rung in my head as i remembered accidentally shoving Skeppy into lava taking his fist cannon life...' i was meant to protect him..not kill him..' my thoughts started to go wild as i felt the vague feeling of something creeping up my leg.

I whimpered nuzzling my face more against Skeppy until i felt being picked up which snapped me out my head "Bad! Are you alright?? Please.." Skeppy said i looked at him as tears went down my face my mind playing tricks on me "G-Geppy..?" i asked softly as i slowly put my hands onto his face my mind pretending diamands were on his cheeks "yeah it's me why would you ask, but are you alright? You kinda just fell asleep on me then started mumbling sorry a whole ton" 

"S-Sorry, it was just a nightmare i'm fine" i wiped away the tears and smiled warmly "can you put me down now?" he blushed a little and set me down "yeah sorry" "it's okay" i then felt being hugged by Sapnap "you worried us with that nightmare of yours dad-i i mean Bad!" he said as his face went red "hehe it's okay Pandas.." i said hugging back "Pandas?" Karl asked.

"Baaad.."Sapnap whined "i'm sorry it just slipped" i whined back feeling a little bad "Pandas is a old nickname and it came before Sapnap" Dream stated "i like Snapmap more" George chipped out, Sapnap turned around "okay thats it come here George i'm gonna pet you with my damn fist" he then went over to the other male as he got up as the two started wrestling i had to stop them.

I gently and slowly lifted Sapnap up and rocked him a little and he started to calm down "bad..stop it"he huffed out then yawned "okay" i said and put him down i then watched as he went over to Karl and sat next to him then leaned on him slightly as the two hugged "you two are so cute" i said smiling Sapnap blushed "shush" he mumbled.

"Is he asleep" we heard from Purpled after a little bit of time i looked at him then me and Karl both said "mhm" "hey Karl, George pick a number 1-50" Wilbur spoke looking at his phone "32" both of them said at the same time and giggled

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