Chapter 14

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I heard the sound of birds chirping as I sat up confused to where I was my body felt weak and unsure of what I was supposed to be doing, i just sat looking at what was in front of me I couldn't remember anything I looked at what was laid across me it was thin..but warm it looked nice.

I slowly slunked back down and slowly brought it up to just under my head "are you doing okay?" I glanced to see someone standing I noticed their face changed as they came over "oh my goodness I'm so glad you're okay!" I stared confused I slowly opened my mouth "w..who..are you?" my voice came out broken slightly I was slowly remembering basic things.

" can call be Bad or BBH" I sat up "my name is............" I couldn't remember my name, which made me start to panic "hey hey is going to be okay, your name is Karl Jacobs" I looked at the other and smiled softly "what's the date?" I asked slowly remembering certain basic things he said it I sat for a minute thinking before quickly getting up and leaving the house I was in, I sighed once I realized nothing was going on.

"Karl?" I turned to hearing two voices ask my name a male with black hair, grey-ish eyes, and a white bandana and another black-haired male wearing a blue beanie with a duck on it...I looked at the two confused as they came over setting a hand on my shoulder "Karl we were so worried about you"

I stared at the two blankly "who are you?"

¡George Pov:
I yawned as I stretched and slowly climbing out of bed "mh...sleepy" i whined quietly as I checked the time "8:35 huh? It's so early" i whined slightly louder before going into the bathroom and started to brush my teeth and just getting myself ready for the day I still felt tired I just huff quietly for everything I had to do "George you alright?" I jumped slightly "yeah..just forgot that other people live here" i mumbled looking over to Dream.

He sighed coming over touching my forehead "you feel a little warm, you sure you're doing alright?" "no I'm tired..and I don't want to move" he picked me up caring me into the living room laying me onto the couch before tucking me in "thank you" i muttered, "no problem now I have to go to work, I'll put you on a week vacation okay?" I nodded before slowly falling asleep

¡Quackity Pov:
Sapnap was desperately trying to do anything to get Karl to remember us, he was going to end up having a panic attack and Karl only seemed more confused..Bad came over "Sapnap calm I'll be back I'm taking Karl out somewhere we'll be back"

"B-but.."Sapnap looked at Bad I came over setting my hand on Sapnap's arm "hey come here" I pulled him close he hugged onto me tightly "I'll watch him" I said looking at Bad he nodded "come on Karl the two then left.

Sapnap practically broke down right as the door closed I sunk to the ground with him I quietly cried as I rubbed Sapnap's hair playing with it a little I wasn't the best at calming him down Karl usually did that so I just did what he did, he glanced up to me.

His eyes a orange as his tears almost had a fire like look and glow to them " aren't going to forget me too right..?" he chocked up I shook my head kissing his cheek "no I'm not going anywhere or forgetting you" I gently wiped his tears as he started to wipe mine "Karl is right, you do look pretty when you cry"I said chuckling he looked down before wiping his face completely I noticed his eyes were their normal color.

"yeah you're pretty when you cry too" he said kissing away a tear I chuckled smiling warmly he smiled back.

¡Karl Pov:
I was sitting as a doctor checked on me before saying that there was some more tests they were going to do... after all of it they almost seemed shocked on how much of my memory seemed gone, so I had to stay for a few days.

I didn't mind though the bed seemed to small and cold, granted the entire room seemed to cold, empty and just lonely I sat up most the night before falling asleep for a couple of hours..I did this everyday I was there just trying to figure out why?

Why what? I wasn't sure but I want to find out I'm going to find out

When I was allowed to leave I went back to the house where I had met two guys that both seemed pretty sad that I couldn't remember them, I got inside setting the keys down on a spot that said Karl I noticed that the other two keys were gone "Nick.? Alex.?" I mumbled must've been their names

I walked around trying to get used to everything I opened the dresser that was mine so lucky guess I found a bunch of papers, sticky notes and just other little things placed around in two different hand writings for the most part it was just telling me things which was nice.

I found a notebook opening it, it had my hand writing I read it there were names, nicknames, ages, birthdays, who was related to who, just a lot of useful information there were even pages and half pages of ever person I seemed to know I carried it on me.

After a few hours i felt bored...lonely so I just sat on the floor in the bedroom it felt warm, happy, filled with emotions, I laid on the bed getting into the blankets with my eyes closed I felt so at peace and tired so I let myself fall asleep.

I woke up and it was dark I felt hands holding mine and arms wrapped around me from behind I glanced to who was holding my hands it was Alex or Quackity I looked behind me and saw Nick or Sapnap, I felt so happy? About this but I was to tired to do much so I feel back asleep just enjoying the warmth.



"We love you"

Who said that? Why did they say that I just want to remember

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