Chapter 7

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.Quackity Pov:
I wasn't expecting to ever see her's not like i've had a bad experience interacting with her "hey Quackity are you doing okay?" I heard from Bad "uh yeah i'm good i'm doing great" i said looking at him "are you sure? You seem tense.." he gently set his hand onto my shoulder i sighed "it's nothing don't worry about it"

"I'm going to worry about it..because your my friend, you and Puffy," he said, i sighed "it's nothing that you can do it's mainly something we have to talk about it's fine" i said he nodded a little "okay then.." he then left me alone..after a while i went outside i couldn't handle seeing her again "hey" i sighed "hey..Puffy" i looked to her she was closing the door then looked to me.

"It's been a while huh?" i said she nodded a little "how do you know Bad?" i asked "Dream," she said i nodded "ah i see" "Alex" "don't..please don't i don't wanna talk about that i'm, i'm still not ready to.." "Alex..i know your not going to otherwise, i understand why your upset but i'm just as hurt. You can jump around the bush forever" i sighed and looked down "fine..let's talk" "where is he?" she asked "who Carlione there's a lot of he's" "my nephew.." "the boy,'s him he spends most his time with Tommy" i said looking off "actually it's pretty much to the point where he lives with Phil" she nodded softly "does he remember him?" "his father? No clue i haven't brought myself to asking him but more than likely he doesn't" 

"What about you? You were just as close and Toby is technically your son too" "Carlione..i am trying to push past him it's hard as hell..he was my husband but i've found new happiness and Toby seems much happier living with Phil" she looked at me and nodded "alright then, i'm glad that your doing better then when he died" i nodded then after a little we went inside again "Tommy! My man, my friend!" i said walking over and ruffling his hair.

.Sapnap Pov:
I know listening in to people's conversations is wrong but i listened to Puffy and Quackity's talk 'he was married before..? Why didn't he tell us he's been in a relationship and one that went so far..should i tell Karl? No i could hint at it later when we talk, though it would be just me and Quackity because Karl is going to be working late' 

I sighed and hugged Karl, Karl nuzzled me i smiled then started planting kisses all over my face which made me laugh and smile as my cheeks got a little pink "aw cute" Bad cooed, i blushed more "ew"i heard from Skeppy i stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same. Bad giggled "stop it you two" Karl kissed my cheek, i blushed a little and hugged him "fine Bad..i guess" Skeppy said and looked at him.

.George Pov:
We watched as Skeppy got really close to Bad's face "Skeppy..get out of his face" Sapnap said sounding annoyed "no i don't wanna" Skeppy said Bad giggled a little "your breath is making my hair tickle my nose" Skeppy moved closer to the point that they could very easily kiss, Bad started blushing "G-Geppy" "yes Bad?" "Why are you so close?" "cause i can" "because Skeppy wants to do this!" Ant said then shoved Skeppy and Bad closer making them kiss, then he went into his cat form and ran off both of their faces went red as they moved away quickly "i'm sorry Geppy!" Bad said pulling his bandana over his face "it's fine Bad" Skeppy said grabbing a cardboard box that was painted blue with a derpy face on it then put it over his head.

Karl hugged Sapnap and mumbled things to him, i chuckled softly "aw what's wrong Snapmap it's not like he kissed you" "shut up George, and because i care for Bad" he said and huffed "calm down that doesn't even really count as a kiss because their lips were just smushed together" Dream said as Fundy laid across his lap. "I just remembered something.." "hm?" i looked at him "Wil during one of the MCC's i joined your guys vc and all i heard was the sound of something being destroyed or something and i just got out of there so quickly what the hell was going on??"

Wilbur sat there for a second "the vlog gun.." is all we heard from Tommy in a whine then Wilbur and Phil busted into laughter "oh my god mate i totally forgot!" Phil said while laughing more "Wilbur your a fucking prick and i hate you" Tommy said crossing his arms "what the hell?" Quackity sounded so confused and more or less everyone else was too. "Tommy had a nerf gun that he called the vlog gun that he had gotten when we were staying in Europe and when he visited me, well i told him if he didn't try hard during the games i would destroy it, and well i got rid of it" "well i have two vlog guns so it's all good," Tommy said "i don't know if you don't put some effort into your studies mate i might just have Wil destroy it," Phil said "noo Phiiiill..." Tommy whined "Wilby-i mean Wilbur-" Wilbur made a loud aw like sound "awwww, Tommy did you just call me Wilby?" "no!" Tommy's face went red from being embarrassed "aw it's okay Tommy you can call me Wilby" "i didn't fucking call you Wilby!" Tommy shouted "it's okay Tommy you can call me Wilby" "Wilby-Wilbur! Don't you fucking dare destroy my vlog gun you bitch" "language" Bad mumbled the lower half of his face still hidden by his bandana.

"George and Dream sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g" i heard Quackity start before i threw Fundy's shoe at him "ow! I'm telling Sam!" he got up and ran off "oh no you don't!" i got up and ran after him.

.Fundy Pov:
We watched as George and Quackity ran off bickering "why Sam out of all people?" i heard Tubbo "because Sam is like a father figure to them" Bad said moving his bandana off his face "well father figure as in he raised the two of them with a girl named Hannah i wouldn't be surprised if we ended up meeting her sometime soon i know her and Sam still have connect" "but isn't Sam around Wilbur's age?" Ranboo asked and Phil busted into laughter "grandpa whats so funny?" i asked "pfft nooo Sam is nowhere near Wil's age" he said while laughing "me and Sam aren't human to say the least" Bad said he looked, very human though which was confusing "what do you mean your not human, we can guess that Sam isn't human due to his appearance"...Bad sighed softly then a small amount of black mist surrounded him when it parted his appearance had changed a lot.

His skin and hair was jet black, his eyes were all white with some glow he had horns and a tail and pointy elf-like ears everyone there at the moment went quiet then Tubbo and Tommy both spoke "Woah! You look so cool!" "You look fucking cool!" "language Tommy..and thanks..i guess?" he said glancing down "mh yeah cool," Ranboo said giving a thumbs up he had never shown his face, Tubbo's seen it he's rubbed that in quite a bit.

more or less everyone had given a positive reaction to it, Skeppy, Phil, and Karl were the only ones to not say anything "Karl?" Sapnap asked softly Karl looked at Sapnap then Bad and smiled "sorry i was thinking i think you look honking cool but i had a feeling that i've seen something similar but nope" Bad smiled as he went back to his human appearance "i've already seen that before" Phil said "well then i wasn't expecting an answer from you" Bad said, he then glanced over to Skeppy who still hadn't taken off the box "S-Skeppy..?" Bad asked he sounded nervous.

"Yeah Bad..?" Skeppy answered but not with the same tone of voice that he usually did a tension and silence fell over the two " you think..?" Bad asked softly, Skeppy slowly took of the box then looked at Bad "i want sand, and what do i think about what??" he sounded genuinely confused Phil busted out into laughter "oh um nothing important, and go get your sand" "noo i want more sand!" Skeppy whined, "you don't need any more sand!" Ant said.

"haha i win George!" "shut up Quackity!" we heard as Quackity ran back over then George who walked over then George smirked turned around and shouted "Sam! Quackity has your wallet!" "wait what-" Quackity said before George threw the wallet at him which he of course got, it startled me on how quickly Sam walked "Alex.." he said "wait for a god damn minute George threw this at me! He had it!" "no, i didn't why are you blaming me," George said sitting down next to me and Dream, Sam sighed "i don't care who had it give it to me" Sam said holding his hand out to Quackity surprisingly he didn't do what he normally did which was to take a dollar out nope this time he just gave it straight to Sam "thank you, stop blaming your brother George," Sam said then walked back to his room George groaned a little "ugh fine i guess, it's not my fault he's the youngest and easiest to mess with" "shut the fuck up George how is it my fault that i'm younger??" Quackity said George just shrugged "sounds like you problem though Quackity"

Some of us chuckled a little i hugged George and kissed his head which made him blush a little "stop that" he said chuckling slightly "nu"

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