Lemon Drop Shot

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You pouted slightly as you carefully applied a gloss to your lips before smacking them together with a loud pop and admiring the finished product in satisfaction.

"Are you done looking at yourself or should I tell the guys we're running late?" Hoseok asked, amused as he watched you admire yourself from every angle in the mirror.

You couldn't help it. You looked good.

Tonight, you were celebrating your graduation and Hoseok had rented out the VIP section in Bulletproof Casinos nightclub. Which isn't as impressive as it sounds considering that RM and Jin own it, but still, you dressed all out for the occasion.

Your eye makeup was a shock of lavender, offset by a dangerous cat eye, so you went for a more minimalistic look for the rest of your face, finishing off with a sheer gloss. Your outfit was monochromatic, a tight fitting black crop top, with faux leather mini skirt and a bulky belt that had a metal hoop hanging from your hip. You finished the look off with your favorite pair of black boots.

If you were going to look like a hoe tonight, you were going to do it right.

You took one more moment to slowly admire yourself in the mirror before turning to your best friend with a teasing smile. Your tongue pointed and swiped across your top row of teeth as you winked at him, and Hoseok rolled his eyes at your nonverbal communication. Smirking, you picked up the two empty White Claws off the counter from your pregaming and tossed them in the recycling bin.

"The Uber's here, hurry up, Princess." He grumbled.

You grabbed your bag, which has a handful of your essentials, even though you knew your phone and wallet were going to end up in Hoseok's pocket before the end of the night. 

"Okay, what are the rules for the night?" Hoseok asked as you climbed into the vehicle.

It was rare you were willing to let loose and really get drunk at events like these. But when you had Hoseok around to watch you, you trusted him enough to keep you out of trouble.

He was by no means your DD tonight, more like a tipsy babysitter.

"My standards are low, I haven't gone out in so long. Just don't let me go home with anyone, but you." You continue.

You weren't one for one night stands. You dabbled in them before, and while the experience wasn't overly negative, you didn't like the thought of sleeping with someone you couldn't keep a connection with.

"What if they're really hot?" He asked. You shot him a glare and he smirked, "Alright, alright you'll stay pure tonight. Can't promise the same for me." He said with his hands up.

You huffed a laugh at your best friend's antics. You knew he wouldn't leave your side tonight.

It wasn't quite 9p.m when you arrived, but the club was a lively sight. The dance floor was already a mass of bodies pulsing to the same rhythm. You kept hold of Hoseok's arm as he led you through the crowd to the private bar in the VIP section. You immediately spotted RM sitting on a stool and observing the crowd.

You broke off Hoseok's arm as soon as you were in the proper range of the alcohol. You were still a little tipsy, but that was too sober for your liking.

"Congratulations," RM greeted as you stepped up next to him in search of a bartender.

"Thanks, still have a ways to go, but I'm part way there." You said sheepishly. You weren't expecting any kind of praise or well wishes from the man.

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