Buzz Kill

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Jungkook and Taehyung both got up to trail the three of you to the dance floor.

"Is no one going to eat my cake?" Jin demanded as he watched his two youngest walk off.

"I'll have some later Jinnie," Taehyung promised over his shoulder.

"Jungkook!" Jin called reaching for the youngest's arm.

Jungkook turned trying not to let the impatience show in his eyes, "Yea?" Ye asked as the man looked around the club, eyes clearly looking for something specific.

"Just keep your wits about you tonight." Jin requested before letting go.

Jungkook nodded, before walking off with his brother who waited for him. Jungkook saw Namjoon and Jin's attention straying to some pug-faced, older man who was sticking out like a sore thumb in the club earlier tonight. He expected that he was some kind of investor that the elders wanted Jungkook to talk to for some reason.

He still couldn't understand why Jin liked to play show-and-tell with him. The younger understood networking was important but he always felt like some dog primped and preened for a talent show any time Jin took him along to business meetings. He wondered if  Jin realized the parts of his childhood he often complained about the most were the nuances he often subjected Jungkook to.

"You want a drink?" Taehyung asked as he saw Jungkook naturally detouring for the bar.

"Just a beer, then we can join them," Jungkook muttered.

The two of them had made amends since the trouble last week. Gradually, they were both becoming comfortable with being around each other again, but Taehyung was uncharacteristically quiet tonight.

Jungkook put in his order with the bartender before turning to see V was once again taking a sweep of the room. His eyes squinted in concentration as he looked for anything out of place.

"Will you relax?" Jungkook laughed, nudging his broad shoulder.

"No," V said flatly. "You know I hate it when we come out like this, when all seven of us are out somewhere, we're practically begging for something bad to happen."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he accepted the beer, "Dude, you're too paranoid, we're the most powerful gang on the west side. What could possibly happen?" Jungkook challenged, his arms open in invitation to whoever in the universe dare take them on.

"A lot, that's why I'm worried," V gritted.

"Why do we work as hard as we do everyday if we can't have fun from time to time?" Jungkook asked as they approached the crowd.

Taehyung held his tongue, not wanting to put a damper on the younger's mood. He had fair points and tonight was supposed to be an easy going night, a celebration for all of Y/N'S hard work. He wouldn't be the buzz kill, but someone had to stay alert and protect the family.

"You have a point," Taehyung finally sighed not wanting to ruin Jungkook's night. He deserved to relax after the mess with the Black Tips and the hell of exam week. He couldn't imagine going through school while living the lifestyle he did. He often wondered how the younger managed to stay sane.

Taehyung hung out on the edges of the crowd, content to watch and socialize as Jungkook made his way deeper in the crowd joining you, Jimin, and Hoseok. He fell into the rhythm of the music so seamlessly as he joined his friend, Taehyung suddenly couldn't picture what the dance floor looked like without the four of you dancing together.

His chest felt a little lighter at the sight of you enjoying yourselves.


Five songs later you had lost your empty cup somewhere on the dance floor. Hoseok had found a slender blond dance partner to keep him company, leaving you content to dance with Jimin and Jungkook who both looked like song-given form. Jimin danced freely like his body was so full of the sound he could barely contain it, and Jungkook matched his every move. You swayed with the two of them, not nearly as talented, but still giving it your all.

As the alcohol metabolized in your bloodstream, you became less aware of the world around you. Less aware of the girls and guys alike leering at your two dance partners with lust glazed eyes. And soon enough the world was just you, Jimin, Jungkook, and the rhythmic beat.

Jungkook pulled you closer to him, his warm hands on your hips, thumbs brushing your exposed skin. He hunched his shoulders and stooped down so he could look you in the eye and watch you smile. You giggled before throwing yourself back in a dip that didn't match the rhythm of the music, trusting Jungkook to keep you up. He was mesmerized as he watched your body arch, the planes of your soft stomach stretched and exposed a droplet of sweat, tracing its way down your neck, thrown off course by the movement.

Jungkook pulled you back up, his hand lingering on your exposed skin and as he held you close to him, you were a giggling mess in his arms. He stopped dancing and took in the sight. He wanted to see your smile more, he wanted to see more of the way your eyes squinted closed as you laughed in delight, so he reached up to push back the hair that had fallen in your face while dancing.

Your expression shifted at the tender touch. Jungkook combed your hair back and let his hand cradle the back of your head, the cool air was refreshing on your feverish skin. You took in his eyes, which looked dark with his dilated pupils and then your eyes wandered down to his soft lips.

"Y/N" he said so softly you felt it through his chest more than you heard it over the music. It was a request.

He wondered if you wanted to kiss him as badly as he wanted to kiss you. He could feel your pulse racing as fast a hummingbird's twin rhythm to his own.

"Oh I wanna dance with somebody!" Jimin was chanting as he grabbed your arms and captured you in a dance. You laughed in delight letting yourself be pulled away and into Jimins arms.

Jungkook stood frozen in shock, a mix of confusion and frustration washed across his face as he watched you dance with his brother.

Jimin waited a moment before he saw another gaggle of nearby party girls singing along. Deeming the crowd safe enough to watch you for a moment he guided you towards them, leaving you to be absorbed seamlessly in the circle of drunk girls before he circled back to his still stunned friend.

"You can kiss her!" Jimin said almost begrudgingly as he grabbed Jungkook's hands to sway to the music, "But I won't let your first kiss with her be a drunk one. You both deserve better. Besides we walked in this bar with 8 people, like hell I'm coming out with 8 and a half." He teased with a toothy grin.

Jungkook felt a flood of embarrassment and gratitude for his friend for a quick moment as he joined in the dancing. Jimin had grown very fond of you over the weeks and while the two of you were a flirtatious pair, he knew Jimin wouldn't try anything as long as he knew Jungkook was harboring feelings for you. The small chemist's reassurances quickly extinguished any potential jealousy Jungkook might have felt brewing over his lost kiss.

Jungkook also felt great appreciation for Jimin's willingness to protect you. You were both very easy people to love in Jungkook's mind, so it only made sense that over the short months of you working at the bakery, you both formed such a strong bond with each other.

"I need another drink!" You shouted to Jimin as the song came to a close, somehow escaping your new girl group.

"We all do!" Jimin cheered back before leading his crusade back to the bar for another round.

"My treat?" Jungkook offered with a smile

You swallowed your smirk and smiled shyly back, you knew you weren't going to pay for a damn thing tonight if you had it your way.

A/N: zoinks things got Spicy for a second.... what did you guys think about the dance moment?? Thanks so much for reading!!! Please take the time to vote and comment to let me know what you think!!! (Plz I need validation to go on)

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