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The businessmen were well into discussions about spas and parking garages when Namjoon got the call on his phone. Checking to see that it was Hoseok, he sent it to voicemail.

The phone rang again and he watched as it chimed, one, two, three times before hanging up; their code for an emergency. RM waited to receive Hoseok's text with his location before he stood to excuse himself.

"Gentleman, if you'll excuse me, please, I have some personal matters to attend to."

Jungkook and Jin both looked at him curiously before nodding and turning back to their conversation with Mr.Yager.

Namjoon worked his way through the crowded club, seeing the top of Jimin's head flashing through the mass of dancers. It was a chore to get that man off the dance floor once he got on, Hoseok usually right there with him.

At the thought of the emergency, Namjoon's grin fades as he reaches the back exit to the alleyway.

Maybe he should flag Jimin down for backup in case it was a trap... Namjoon wanted to kick himself at the thought, he was the boss of one of the largest and most powerful gangs in the city that he built from the ground up. He didn't need backup, he was getting soft, lazy.

It wasn't a trap, if someone had Hoseok, he would call three times in a row and let it ring two times.

He pushes his way into the alley and looks up to see Hoseok and Yoongi standing at the mouth.

"What's the issue?" Namjoon called, his voice holding a sense of authority that he naturally fell into as he approached.

Hoseok and Yoongi looked up and seemed to stand at attention as he approached.

Then Namjoon saw the car.

"Were you attacked?" He asked, cutting to the chase.

"Sabotage, but that's not even the real problem here, look," Yoongi said, passing his leader the tablet before explaining. "I was going to pull up BP's security cameras to find the punks that did it, and then I saw the system at the warehouse was going haywire. We're being invaded."

Namjoon stiffened as he took in the static of the screen, Yoongi reached out and rewinded it a few minutes and he saw a hooded figure walk up and point at the camera before it went to static.

Namjoon growled, "Call Rody, send someone that way immediately."

"I already dispatched two groups, but we need to get over there, too. I don't trust the guys not to have sticky fingers if it's all in disarray." Yoongi answered.

Namjoon nodded before turning to Hoseok, "Are you sober enough to shoot straight?" He asked.

Hoseok gave him a lazy grin, "I'm always-"

"Good. Get a car, you two are coming with me. I want to be there if there's anyone to catch once the dust settles. I'll text Jin to get the kids home." His voice left no room for objection as Hoseok called a car remembering his fleeting promise not to leave Y/N's side tonight. He hopes that she still had fun.


"He's certainly a busy one, isn't he?" Mr. Yager asked Jin with a smile as he watched Namjoon disappear in the crowd.

"Rightfully so, Namjoon's a shark, he never stops swimming," Jin jokes with a smile.

"I have to ask Jin, how's your father feel about your business partner? I've had dinner in his manner a few times this year, and it's always so quiet with you gone. I tried to ask him about your business last time we met, but he didn't have much to say." Mr. Yager asked.

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