Lemon Square

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Hoseok was dozing on the couch, the long night starting to catch up with him, when he heard the sound of your bare feet rushing down the stairs.

"Hobi!" You nearly wheezed, clinging to the rail for balance as you rushed down to him.

At the sight of you, he felt a flood of relief wash over him, followed by a tsunami of guilt. 

"I am so glad you're okay," he breathed, wrapping you into a hug the moment you collided into his chest. You squeezed back just as hard.

Last night, after Jin broke the news, it took a moment to process everything that had happened before he immediately filled with panic at the thought of you being at the club. Jin had assured them that no one from the team was harmed during the shooting, but just because you were intact didn't mean you felt safe.

He demanded RM let him call Jin back to get a proper report on Ella and the others. Begrudgingly, the leader complied as he went off to coordinate with Suga and dispatch teams to guard the other assets BTS had around town, like the bakery.

Jin had assured Hobi that while you were a little out of it from the gas, you were mostly keeping it together. That wasn't news to him. You were a strong and adaptable person in a high-stress environment. But Hoseok knew the moment your adrenalin crashed you would too. So he made the order with what little authority he had and asked Jin to have Jimin to take you home as soon as possible. His elder respected the call and promised to send Taehyung back with them to the safety of the Den.

Forty minutes later, still trapped and restless at the warehouse, Hoseok received the phone call that made his heart drop. You were unintelligible over the phone, but your stress and anxiety were clear.

"I don't know what to do and she kept asking for you." Jimin pleaded over your cries.

Hoseok can only think of one other time in his life he has felt so helpless, and it ended with his sister's death.

This evening was becoming an unending nightmare.

You were drunk while having a panic attack, and all Hoseok could do to help you was ignore Suga's judgmental looks as he took the phone call, promise you were safe, and talk Jimin through your breathing exercises to help calm you down.

But how could he lie when you were in such a state?

He has no assurances even with his two most trusted brothers in arms by your side, that you were safe at this moment. That you were going to make it safely to the Den, eat a hot meal, and get to bed.

He couldn't promise you that you wouldn't hear gunshots again tonight because you were just caught in the crossfire of a war. You were trapped in the middle of a conflict Hoseok couldn't see an end to.

Last night was his fault.

He let you get too close to BTS.

He couldn't control your involvement with Jungkook or even your contract with RM. At the end of the day, those were the results of your actions and decisions. But he threw a party. He allowed you to invite the seven most dangerous men in BTS as if that wouldn't draw a bright red target on your back.

He brought you to a gang-affiliated bar that you would have never gone into if the night was up to you.

A quiet night in. That's what you insisted on, all you said you needed to celebrate graduating. You were tired and due to have your wisdom teeth removed soon, and start summer classes soon after that. You felt like a night out on the town would throw off any semblance of a routine you built for yourself.

But you deserved so much more.

You deserved to be celebrated for all your hard work. To feel weightless and free and dance until your feet ached and have a night of guiltless fun. And Hoseok wanted to give that to you.

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