Can't Settle

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A/N: don't forget to vote and comment!!!

"Have you seen Suga recently?" Hoseok yelled to Jin over the music.

The crowd in the club had grown immensely as the night went on and the music was blasting to a point where he could feel the steady bass vibrating in his chest.

"I think he went outside for a smoke," Jin said as he carried glasses of water over to their VIP spot. Hoseok walked alongside him as he watched Jin take a sip from each glass before wincing slightly and handing one to Hoseok. "That one's mine, can you hold it for me while I take care of the kids?"

Hoseok took a slight sniff, blinking as he realized Jin was not nursing water, but a vodka soda.

In their booth, Jungkook, Ella, and Taehyung all sat pouting as if they had been put in time out.

After a few hours of letting loose on the dance floor, Jin decided to reel them in for some water so they kept their wits about them.

This decision was actually made after watching Jungkook do a flip off a table while you and a crowd of club-goers chanted their encouragement.

You were at a point where you were one shot away from drinking yourself silly. At some point in the night, you had lost your jacket in the crowd of dancers. Jin still didn't know if you were overheating, if you were robbed, or if someone was making a pass at you. If it was the latter, they didn't make it far in their advances with the three bodyguards that were keeping you company.

Taehyung was still completely sober. Jin's cousin did not drink in public, he would never risk being intoxicated around anyone but the people he trusted with his life. He was pouting with a slice of cake in his hands because he's had to babysit you and Jungkook for the past half hour, but he was grateful when Jin handed him the water.

Jimin was still missing among the mass of bodies on the dance floor, and Jin hadn't gathered the nerve to go in to look for him just yet.

"You got them?" Hoseok asked as he handed Jin the vodka soda. Jin gulped it appreciatively before nodding,

"For now, but be quick, I'm hoping we can wrap up this night a little early," Jin said, looking only slightly distressed.

"I wanna dance!" You shouted as you stood up on wobbly legs, spilling your water down your front slightly.

"Dance in your booth. And eat my cake!" Jin ordered as he turned to Jungkook, "You, I need you to chug that water and sober up quickly, the moment you can say your ABC's backward you're coming with me, one of our investors is here and he would like to meet you."

"I can sing them now, it's just not going to be correct." Jungkook joked before taking his orders a little too seriously and chugging his water in one go.

"You idiot," Taehyung sighed.

"Taehyung-ie, dance with me." You whined, pulling yourself up and closer to the tall man.

Taehyung looked at Jin a little distressed as he struggled to keep you from face planting in his cake as you began swaying wildly, using Taehyung more as a support than a dance partner.

All the while, Jungkook was happily singing his alphabet backward, getting a little jumbled around L, M, N, O, P, and starting over four different times.

He made it to G before Jin decided it was good enough to introduce him to the client. They were in a bar after all, he just needed Jungkook to send his classic, charismatic smile and shake his hand.

"But wait, I never got any cake!" Jungkook whined

"Hush!" The elder snapped.

"Seokjin! Seokjin! Don't leave me with her!" Taehyung begged as Jin grabbed the youngest to lead him off to the nearest VIP booth.

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