Worlds shittiest job offer

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A/N: sorry for the delayed update I'm so frustrated bc I've had this chapter written for weeks but my computer bit the dust making school and updating both near impossible. I'm literally updating from my cellphone so Please leave some love on this chapter 🥲💕

You were left to close the bakery alone.

Which you didn't mind at all. While the tasks were mundane, they kept you busy enough to keep you from dwelling too hard on negative thoughts. But, more importantly, it kept you from dwelling on Jeon Jungkook and the absolute fool you made of yourself by biting him like a feral animal instead of talking out your feelings like a normal person.

You came to peace with the fact that while fun, a romantic relationship with Jeon Jungkook was mostly a bad idea. He would distract you from school, and you were collateral on his end. Nothing but a big fat target to be used against him, and you decided after being trailed down an ally so many months ago that the damsel in distress was not your vibe.

You tried to logic away from your genuine feelings behind the kiss. You were both stressed and recovering from a life-threatening situation. That kiss was a comfort and a distraction for both of you, and it was the distraction you needed at the moment. The physical touch and spark of desire were what kept you from totally falling apart when you went home that evening. The memory of his touch was a break of light that soothed away the nightmares of the shooting the day before.

You were prepared for Jungkook to say he wasn't interested and tell him the feeling was mutual.

You were working on closing the shop and losing the don't-think-of-Jeon-Jungkook game when the doorbell rattled, and a group of men entered the bakery. You were five minutes from closing, and while this wasn't out of the ordinary, you weren't thrilled with your quiet evening being interrupted by a group of rowdy customers. Especially when you already packed up most of the pastries in the back.

Taking a second look at the men, you felt weary and wondered if they were members of BTS coming in for a late meeting Jimin forgot to tell you about. They were all tall and broad-shouldered, most sported several tattoos, and they had a look that made you feel uneasy. Not only did they intimidate you, but their expressions looked like they wanted to intimidate you.

But your panic quickly softened as you locked eyes with a familiar face.

"Marcus!" You greeted with delight.

Your usual, Marcus was a quiet guy who often came to the bakery to people watch throughout the day. The two of you have had a handful of conversations over the months, all surface-level banter. Still, you always enjoyed his presence. Aside from that one time he and V got into a weird pissing contest, Marcus had never made you uncomfortable or feel unsafe.

The fact that he might have brought his friends here for a late-night snack put you almost at ease.

"You're in luck, most of the pastries are put up, but I think we have a few lemon bars in the back." You offered, knowing they were his favorite.

"I'm not here for lemon bars," he answered with a sneer,

Your smile faltered as two men made their way towards you, passing the counter and heading for the kitchen.

"Hey, you can't go back there!" You cried as one man called back with a gruff, 'all clear.'

The depth of your situation sunk in as Marcus pushed open the door, and a handsome Korean man in a well-tailored suit made his way into the bakery and locked the door behind him.

"Miss L/N, I was hoping for the chance to speak with you," he said with a smirk.

What little emergency response training you got for your job kicked in through your panic.

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