New Tricks

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A/N: Merry Christmas did you miss me??

This may be poorly edited bc I have the flu but I'll fix it later 🥲 may want to reread the last two chapters to better enjoy the flow of this scene besties!!!

The sound of the disoriented intruders rang clear through the bulletproof door to the lab.

You took a deep breath to steady yourself before pulling the trigger on another gas canister, opening the door, and launching it into the kitchen. The bakery was hazy with the smoke now, but you could see the silhouettes of four men in the clouds.

They grew quieter as the effects of the gas began to set in.

You made your way for the one nearest to you, he was swaying- lost to the influence of the smoke. If slight exposure made someone as disoriented as you experienced first hand, you couldn't imagine what prolonged exposure at this intensity could do to them.

He didn't even seem aware of your approach as you snuck up on him and made quick work of jumping on his back and wrapping your arm around his throat; pressing down on the back of his head while squeezing the column of his neck.

He let out a strangled sound of surprise at the attack, reaching up and clawing at your forearm.

The other three men were startled at the sound, but instead of coming to their partner's aid they abandoned them and made their way back out to the kitchen.

You gritted your teeth, squeezing tighter in an effort to keep your grip. The man under you bucked, trying to throw you off him, growing more frantic as the pressure into his head grew.

You felt a rush as he tipped onto his back crushing you under him. Your vision exploded into stars at the impact, but you forced yourself to keep your grip even as his weight knocked the wind out of you. And finally, his thrashing ceased and he went limp in your arms.

You ignored the ache of your muscles as you released the tension in your arms and crawled out from under the thug's weight. The towel you wrapped around your face was already hanging limply around your throat. You pulled it off quickly before it felt like a phantom arm wrapping around your own  throat.

It seemed that whatever antidote Jimin had made in his lab was working so far. Other than slight discomfort caused by breathing the thick air you were left unaffected by the effects of the smoke.

You made quick work of getting up and taking in your surroundings, adrenalin still pumping through your veins as you look for your next target in the hazy kitchen.

A loud shout rang out from the front of the store, and a looming figure made its way through the kitchen doors easily maneuvering around the bakers' rack. He wasn't built like any of the others you saw this evening.

Did they send for backup?

Spine straight despite the thick smoke curling around him. He made his way towards you, his gait confident and it filled you with unease.

Was it possible for a member of the BlackTips to be immune to Jimin's smoke?

You moved into a fighting stance, centering your weight as the figure got closer, reaching an arm out for you. You didn't hesitate before wrapping your hand around his wrist, pivoting in place, and launching his body over your shoulder. You flipped the man onto the ground.

He landed with a loud smack but kept his grip on your own arm taking you down with him. You lost your balance, toppling on top of him and landed nose to nose with Jeon Jungkook.

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