No Harm List

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And for a moment, things were okay, Hoseok felt a semblance of peace for the first time in weeks.

But that moment was quickly interrupted like a record scratch ruins a ballad in a cheesy cartoon.

"Here's your shakes," Windy said as she set your desserts down. They were in the classic crystal glasses that matched the 50's retro theme of the Diner. You both thanked her, but Hoseok watched your eyes snag on the familiar tattoo on her forearm as she pulled away.

You must have been too worked up earlier, but the fresh ink of the BTS Army symbol that marked her inner arm was evident. The dark ink was a stark contrast to her fair skin, and you question how you could have missed it before.

New normal here we come.

Hoseok thought to himself in false amusement and answering your question before it fully formed on your lips.

"She joined last month," Hoseok said, determined to be upfront with you.

This new normal will be built upon honesty. That means telling you everything.

Well, almost everything.

"Why?" You asked, wondering if that was even the appropriate question to ask. Could that one word compensate for everything you wanted in an answer?

"She needed money, and BTS gave her a loan." He said simply.

You raised a brow, and he sighed.

"Windy has a son, he's like in middle school. I think her kid started running into some trouble at school, so she wanted to move. Worried, he would join a gang. So she came to the 7th Ward because we're the only active gang here and we don't recruit them that young. She got caught up in a bad rent scam, and BTS helped her find a safer place to live."

"A lifetime commitment to a gang, just for a housing relocation?" You asked in confusion. You couldn't fathom that a mother would join a gang to keep her son out of one. The situation seemed very backward to you.

"Hey, Windy was loyal to BTS before she took the tattoo. Everyone at Dax's is, we keep them safe. She will always be safe, and now, so will her kid. BTS isn't just a gang, we're a family. That symbol isn't a gang sign, it's a family crest." Hoseok said defensively. He knew you were just curious, but your questions felt like accusations to him.

You mulled over his words. It seems every time he answers one question, you come up with a dozen more.

You would have time to get answers though, you didn't want to ruin the evening by interrogating him too harshly. And you could tell by his tone that he was feeling defensive. He's done nothing, but try to help and protect you, and BTS has done the same since you wandered into their world, so you thought it was best to lighten the mood.

"So you're a mob then? Like a Mafia Family?" You asked teasingly.

Despite the joke, Hoseok smiled with a proud and satisfied grin as he reclined back, "Yeah! It's pretty classy, don't ya think?" He agreed with a wink.

"So is everyone who works here a member of BTS?" You asked, looking around as if you were trying to inspect the forearm of every staff member in the building.

How have you never noticed that Hoseok had matching tattoos with half the Diner?

Was he feeding you dumb bitch juice?

"No. But everyone knows about us. A lot of them are members, though, or just civilians who are loyal; we send them to work here to maintain our debt to Dax." Hobi explained.

"RM owes Dax money?" You asked in disbelief as you took in the tall and lanky man behind the register.

His aged face was lined with smile lines, and his eyes managed to make the color blue look warm. Dax was always a kind and honest man, you thought. And while the Diner was in good condition in one of the nicer parts of town, you knew the man wasn't rolling in dough.

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