Nipple Piercing

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A/N: warning this chapter is just smut

You had slept through the vote the next morning.

Hoseok spent the night at your apartment, partly for your safety and partly because the two of you got wine drunk while Hoseok divulged the details of his two weeks in hiding with Yoongi.

The bastard didn't wake you this morning when he slipped out of the apartment to head to the Den.

You didn't know if it was to keep you from the vote or shield you from the fallout of last night's attack, but you didn't want to go anyway. No one's vote would be swayed by what you wanted. Each member of the inner circle was as stubborn as an ass.

Besides you didn't know if you could sit at a table and act normal after last night too much has changed between your kiss with Jungkook and everything you learned about Yoongi.

Hoseok had always been private about his relationship with Yoongi, which starkly contrasted the many flings and one-night-stands he paraded and told you about in pain-staking detail. You always thought your friend's modesty was because Yoongi was the only person Hoseok ever loved. That his feelings were so real that sharing them with someone else felt like violating something sacred.

You now know it's because Yoongi is the third in command of one of the most powerful gangs on the West side. The watered-down and convoluted timeline of their relationship became strikingly clear once you discovered Hoseok's history with BTS. And with that one critical secret revealed, Hoseok was painfully, painfully honest and descriptive about his escapades with Yoongi. And you didn't think you could manage sitting in the same room with him and this newfound knowledge without blushing.

Unfortunately, that didn't mean you got to sleep in.  Jeremy started demanding breakfast by swatting a hanger across the room as cats do. And once you were up the filth and grime of last night started to feel like a second skin you were itching to shed. You didn't know what hurt more as you finally got out of bed, your body from last night's attack, or your hangover from the cheap wine. A thorough inspection in the bathroom confirmed purple and blue bruises peppered your skin. However, none were darker than the deep purple blotch on your neck from Jungkook. You tried to convince yourself your hair covered it when you faced the gang in the aftermath last night, but that was unlikely.

You planned to scrub down as fast as you could and get it over with, but as the hot water pressed against your sore muscles, all thoughts evaporated, and you treated yourself to a proper shower. Taking time to wash and deep condition your hair, scrub, exfoliate, shave, and moisturize every nook and cranny until you felt like a reborn woman.

Feeling fresh and slightly dizzy from the extended time in the steam, you dressed and braided back your damp hair. The bedsheets on Hoseok's side of the bed were half stripped off the mattress. His passive aggressive way of telling you they needed to be cleaned before they get slept in again. Agreeing with his sentiment, you stripped your bed and changed your sheets. Between the lingering hangover and being overheated in the shower, this was an Olympic endeavor that required a nap partway through

The knock at your door was the only reason you got out of bed an hour later.

Jungkook greeted you with a tight smile.

"I'm fired, aren't I?" you asked as you let him in.

"We all agreed that it was too dangerous to keep you employed there," Jungkook affirmed, his voice tight.

You rolled your eyes and reached for your kettle to fill it with water. You needed caffeine.

"And how am I supposed to pay back my debt?" you questioned, your voice too casual.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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