The Next Day

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*it's the day after you kissed hawk*
you wake up and shower then get changed
you wear this:

you drive to schoolwhen you get there you walk with miguel to chemistry while you're walking to chen miguel: how was your night? y/n: good hbu miguel: good

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you drive to school
when you get there you walk with miguel to chemistry
while you're walking to chen
miguel: how was your night?
y/n: good hbu
miguel: good. are u coming to the dojo after school today?
y/n: yeah also hawk is coming too!
miguel: who's hawk?
y/n: you'll see in chem ;)
miguel: uhh okay?
*you guys get to class*
*you sit down by hawk and miguel sits with demetri*
hawk: hey
y/n: whattup
hawk: nothin, 3 girls already asked me out today!
y/n: damn i told you
hawk: aren't you like jealous or something?
y/n: um no should i be?
hawk: nvm
y/n: okay?
hawk: what are we doing tonight?
y/n: oh shot! i totally forgot, i have karate training today, come with me!
hawk: alright
*after school you go home and change*
this is what you wear:

 are u coming to the dojo after school today? y/n: yeah also hawk is coming too! miguel: who's hawk? y/n: you'll see in chem ;) miguel: uhh okay? *you guys get to class* *you sit down by hawk and miguel sits with demetri* hawk: hey y/n: whattuphaw...

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you're on your way to the dojo when you stop and pick hawk up
you text hawk: get your ass down here
hawk: i'm omw chill girl
hawk walks out and is wearing this:

y/n: ready? hawk: yup hawk: are we going somewhere after? y/n: let's just chill at my place hawk: ok are your parents home? y/n: my mom doesn't live with me and my dad is probably going to some bar hawk: sounds good

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y/n: ready?
hawk: yup
hawk: are we going somewhere after?
y/n: let's just chill at my place
hawk: ok are your parents home?
y/n: my mom doesn't live with me and my dad is probably going to some bar
hawk: sounds good

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