why, miguel? <summ- sry>

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OK guys, so I am way too lazy and have no motivation to rewrite the whole chapter, so I'm just gonna give y'all like a little summary of what happened. So just read this real quick and then I'll go on from what happened in the next chapter sorry luvs <3

okay, let's get into it 🤘.

so you just woke up from Seggsy time with hawk and you are going to have a party since tomorrow's the first day of school.

you've been on spring break this whole time that's why you've had no school. And your dad (johnny) just randomly left and didn't even say goodbye. So you've had no karate. No school. And no dad.

hawk has been staying with you every single night. And you've called your dad every single day. He never answers. you've been c*tting every night because that's just how you cope 😕.

OK but you're having a pool party so you decide to go to the store with hawk to get food and stuff.

you go to the store and see creepy group of boys following you around. You drop some random shit and one of them smacks your ass. Hawk beats the shit out of him while are you telling him to stop. But he's not stopping.

OK and then you get home and you set everything up for the party yada yada yada. and then people start arriving. and then Kyler walks through the door like he's allowed to also why is he not in jail. you tell him to leave you alone he promises that he will so I guess that's fine 🤔🧐.

Then you go back to Hawk and you pull them into a closet and tell him what happen with kyler. He tells you that it's no big deal and you start getting mad at him because like tf. And then y'all are in a fight. You go to talk to Miguel so he can comfort u.

and then he takes you to your room...(ur drunk)

and this bitch starts moving you so you're grinding on him. y'all have sex. You keep telling him that you think it's wrong and you don't want to but he's like no no it's fine. So he basically makes you.

OK guys. So this chapter was going to be really fucking good and juicy and dramatic but as you know fucking wattpad deleted it. So sorry it's kind of shitty because I just did a summary. But hopefully the next chapter will be a lot better. Also, fuck you Miguel.

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