fucking creep

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as we were walking into the restaurant i started thinking about what miguel had just done.

i don't think it's a big deal, and i hope he maybe did it on accident or something but i'm really hoping hawk didn't see.

we walked in and i saw hawk sitting on the table just on his phone. damn this boy is obsessed with his phone for some reason. well at least he was on his phone, so that mena he didn't see what miguel did... right?

i say down next to hawk and across from miggy. "hey what can i getcha" the waiters said looking down at he notepad so we couldn't see her face. "uhm can i just have a water for now please" i said. "sure. and what will you be having today" she said looking at hawk  "i'll have a sprite" hawk said 
"mmkay" the waitress responded as she was writing in her notepad order thingy. "i'll just have water too please" miguel said.

"alright i'll be right back with that, can i get y'all any appetizers to start with?" the waitress said.  

(this parts boring- we just ordered our food and everything. the food is here and we're all eating and talking now)

"so, y/n- do you want to hang out tomorrow?" miguel asked
"alone." he added looking at hawk annoyed

"oh um- yeah sure" i said looking at miguel, then back at hawk. "great, i'll take you somewhere fun after school" he said smiling "okay" i said grabbing hawks hand under the table.

"what do you want to do tomorrow" miguel asked.

i get that he's feeling left out, but he's just being annoying about it now, and if we're going to do it, we should probably make the plan when hawk isn't here. so i tried getting off that topic

"um well i don't know. but how's your food?" i said trying to change the topic

as miguel was answering hawk squished my leg really hard making me look at him, he rubbed his hand against my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. i didn't kiss back but i didn't pull away.

i tried pulling away finally, but he didn't let me. he just kept making out with me.

okay. now it felt like he's just trying to make miguel mad or jealous, because it defiantly worked

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom" miguel said as me and hawk were still kissing

when miguel walked away hawk pulled away and licked his lips winking at me. "what the hell" i whispered, but loud enough for him to hear it.

"what? didn't like that?" he said looking at me annoyed. "what's your problem eli? miguel is feeling really left out and you just did that. of course i liked it but we shouldn't do that with miguel around." i responded. "oh come on baby, i know he likes you and i just want to show him that you're all mine." hawk said rubbing my thigh.

hearing hawk say that miguel likes me made me freak out. my head started overflowing with endless thoughts. why is hawk not mad? does miguel really like me? did hawk see miguel touch my ass? so many other things.

i just got on my phone and started thinking about everything when i got a text;

unknown number: hey y/n i saw you at the pool yesterday. you looked hot.

<i went to the loom yesterday by myself at night>

that kind of freaked me out, but i just ignored it.

after that, i got another text

unknown number: hey y/n i saw you at the pool yesterday. you looked hot.

unknown number: i saw what happened with miguel. are you okay?

this started freaking me out so i replied.

me: who are you?

unknown number: i asked a question. are you okay?

me: i'm fine. who are you?

unknown number: oh that doesn't matter y/n. what does matter is that i saw you at the pool and remembered everything. i want you.

me: what...

unknown number: send me nudes.

me: i- what the fuck. no.

that was random asf but it kind of scared me. who was it?

i was going to block the number when i got another text

unknown number: don't block me. i know who you are. i know where you live. i know your best friends. i know your boyfriend. i know everything. so i wouldn't do that if i was you

what the hell....

unknown number: oh! and if you tell anyone about these texts, just watch out bitch.

me: okay

i was king of freaked out by that but i didn't want to seem scared so i just got off my phone.

"where's miguel" i asked hawk
"he's in the bathroom, remember?" hawk said looking at his phone. "go get him." i said pushing hawk out of the booth "and don't start anything." i added "alright. i'll be right back" hawk said walking away.

as i was waiting for them to come back i got another text

unknown number: so, nudes?

unknown number: and remember, i know everything about you. so keep that in mind hot stuff.

me: later.

"fucking creep" i whispered to myself deleting the texts.

i didn't know if i was actually going to send him anything, but i didn't want him to do anything to the people i love.

hawk and miguel came back after a while and they looked pretty happy. "so what what were y'all doing in there?" i said grinning at miguel. "boy stuff" hawk said smiling at miguel. "well you guys look happier, so just do this "boy stuff" more often" i said laughing putting my phone away.

it was time to leave and we drive home. hawk in my car. miguel in his own.

"hawk?" i asked. "yes princess?" he said looking at me. "can you sleep at your own house tonight? i want to have the bed to myself" i said fake smiling. "sure if that's what you're comfortable with" he replied. "okay we'll get out." i said "what?" hawk questioned "we're at your house. get out" i said "i'm okay" "have a nice night" he said

of course i just wanted him to leave so i could deal with this "unknown number"

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