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i woke up naked with hawk spooning me. hawk was still asleep but i really had to pee so i got up.

i went to the bathroom and peed. i then brushed my teeth and put on a hoodie and the shorts i was wearing last night.

i got back in bed and was just scrolling through insta when hawk woke up. "hi princess" he said in his raspy morning voice. "good morning" i replied as i was stretching.

"so what are we gonna do today?" he asked as he was rubbing his eyes. "well idk but stingray is throwing a party tonight so you wanna go?" i asked hawk. "yeah sure" he replied getting up.

his hair was out so it looked like this (i'll put at the end of chapter) ugh it was so hot. i loved it out even more than when it's in a mohawk but he looks good i'm anything so idrc.

_______________ later ________________
we decided to go to the tattoo shop cause i wanted to get a new one. i got "ck" written on my worst with a cobra going through it. i figured my dad wouldn't care.

hawk was also getting a tattoo but his was taking extra long for some reason. he came out about 30 minutes later which felt like forever to me.

after the tattoo shop we went to a pizza place and sat down. we were just talking

we were having a good time and talking when we just stopped talking for a little and started staring at eachother. god, he was so hot.

we kept staring at eachother and i smiled when he randomly slapped me across the face. really hard. "what the fuck eli" i yelled and ran to the bathroom. i don't know what the hell was wrong with him.

hawks pov:
we were having a good time and talking when we just stopped talking for a little and started staring at eachother.

whenever i'm with her i get the urge to hurt her. i have some weird aggression kink and god i was horny right now.

we were staring at eachother when i slapped her. i immediately regretted it but i just had to do something. i was kinky.

""what the fuck eli" she yelled  and ran to the bathroom.

y/n's pov

i was walking out of the bathroom when i saw miguel. i was trying to avoid him because i didn't want him to see that my face was red from a slap.

"why is your face so red?" miguel asked me kneeling down to look at my cheek. "i just put on a little extra blush today" i said laughing

"did hawk hit you?" miguel asked me. "what no- nothing happened miguel" i said

miguel just ignored me and walked over to our table to see hawk sitting there on his phone. "what did you do to y/n" miguel asked hawk looking him dead in the eye.

"i didn't do anything dude what's your problem" hawk replied. "are you sure? or is this like that time at the hospital?" miguel asked hawk clenching his fists. i guess that made hawk really mad so he got up and pushed miguel really hard making him fall into me so i fell over.

"oh my god y/n i'm so sorry" miguel said grabbing my hand to pick me up. "i'm fine. anyways what happened at the hospital?" i asked. i said i was fine but i actually hit my head really hard on the table which hurt like a bitch but i didn't want to make this about me.

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