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your still in the car with hawk but you get a text from moon
your texts:
moon: hey girly!! i heard you and hawk were official 🙊🙊 wanna come over? i'm having a party
y/n: yeah we are ☺️☺️ sure i'll ask him
y/n: wanna go to moons party?
hawk: sure but i thought we were going to golf n stuff
y/n: okay! this can be our date!
hawk: alright
y/n: yayy!! he said yes!!
moon: okay, come in over, everyone's already here!!
y/n: omw!
you just drive in silence for the rest of the ride and get there.
y/n: alright! we're here! let's go
you grab hawks hand and walk inside
hawk: i'm gonna go talk to robby
y/n: okay sure, i'm gonna get a drink, want something?
hawk: i'm fine
y/n: um okay
you walk over to get a drink and see kyler
kyler: hey, you look beautiful
y/n: thanks *you felt kind of uncomfortable cause he's gross*
kyler: so i see you're going out with that nerd with the lip
you just ignore him
kyler: have you gone down on him yet?
y/n: kyler that's enough
you try to walk away but he grabs your arm
kyler: come on im sorry alright?
y/n: okay whatever let me leave
kyler: come on. let's have a little fun
you try to say something but he shushes me by kissing me
hawk comes by but he doesn't know what happened
kyler: hey
hawk ignores him
kyler: your girls pretty hot
he says that with me still standing right in front of him and you make a face like this

hawk: ikr haha but she's mine kyler: hmm maybe we can share her ;) hawk: tf- let's go y/n hawk grabs my hand and walks me back but kyler grabs me but hawk thought i just walked away hawk: y/n? where did you go? kyler locks me in a room and says "i...

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hawk: ikr haha but she's mine
kyler: hmm maybe we can share her ;)
hawk: tf- let's go y/n
hawk grabs my hand and walks me back but kyler grabs me but hawk thought i just walked away
hawk: y/n? where did you go?
kyler locks me in a room and says "i'm happy you wanted to ditch that nerd"
y/n: he's not a nerd, he's my boyfriend, now let me go kyler
kyler: oh i'm sorry, that's not gonna happen.
he kisses you and you try to push him away but he slaps you so hard leaving a mark on your face
kyler: you wanna try that again?
he pushes you on the bed and takes off your shirt and pants leaving you just in bra and underwear
he rubs his hand on my body and kisses my stomach, going down to my private part. he starts to take off my underwear and touches it
he pulls his pants down and put it in.
you don't moan but you kind of whimper, not in a good way, it doesn't feel good obviously, i'm scared.
i try to call for help as loud as i can but it comes out as a whisper, i can't talk, i'm too scared
kyler slaps me across the face again so hard
a tear comes out my eye
kyler: oh come on it's not bad right
i shake my head in fear of him slapping me again
im praying that someone will walk through that door and help me
but it's been ten minutes and no ones coming in.
i've lost hope.
i just lay there letting him do it not fighting back cause i know what will happen. i lay there vulnerable not moving for a out 15 minutes, kyler said "alright baby that was"
he gets cut off by hawk walking in
hawk looked mad, but not at kyler, at me.
i don't think he knew what was going on, he barley looked at me but he was yelling at kyler "SO NOW U FUCKIN MY GIRL HUH" and then he looked at me so mad "AND YOU-I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD" he just stops and stares at me he sees my eyes all watery and my face all red with slap marks on my face. he looks me in my eye, looks down and feels so guilty i see his eyes kind of watery. "i-i" he can't finish his sentence
he goes up to kyler and grabs him. hawk doesn't look like he's trying to beat him
up, he doesn't look like he's trying to be scary, but he just grabs him, he hold his neck like he's gonna choke him but then just throws him on the floor and steps on him to walk to me
hawk: y/n...
hawk: i-i'm so sorr-
he's trying to apologize but i just grab him and hug him, i'm crying and hugging him so tight.
after about 5 minutes of hugging him he let's go
hawk: what happened? you can tell me
y/n: he- he grabbed me and pulled me in here and just like touched me and slapped me and then you can in and- well, you know the rest
hawk: oh my god y/n i am so sorry, let's go home.
i put my clothes on and hold hawks hand, he wrapped his arm around me and we walked out but i heard something, it was kyler he was groaning he grabbed my foot and i almost tripped, i stepped on his hand, pulled his other arm and started punching him in the stomach, i then kicked him in a corner and walked out with hawk, but i remembered something so i walked back in and hawk followed behind me, i walked in and slapped kyler across the face as hard as i could, i did it so hard it hurt my hand.
hawk: that's my girl!
he padded my back and we walked out
hawk drive and i sat in the back
i was thinking to myself what happened, and odly enough i didn't even feel sad, or mad, or scared. i felt more strong.
hawk: you okay back there princess?
y/n: i'm fine, anyways what was wrong with you when i picked you up?
hawk: nothing..
y/n: come in eli tell me
y/n: eli.. i-i'm so sorry i didn't know
hawk: i'm sorry for yelling
y/n: uh i- it's okay im do you want to talk about it?
hawk: what? about me yelling?
y/n: come on, you know what i mean
hawk: no i don't want to talk about it.
y/n: hawk i'm sorry and i want you to know if there's anything you need in always here for you
hawk: i'm such a dumbass
y/n: what? what's wrong
hawk: i mean you were just assaulted and i'm over here making this about me and getting mad at you
y/n: i-it's fine-
hawk: no. it's not.
he pulls over and sits in the back with me
hawk: y/n. are you okay?
i don't answer but my eyes start watering
hawk hugs me and i start crying
we're just sitting there hugging and i'm crying when i say
"i'm gonna get my phone"
it's in the front seat,
i walk out the car and get my phone, when i'm standing out there i see a car coming towards me and it doesn't stop, i try to move but i get my foot caught in the door so it hits me.

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