the hospital

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y/n went to get her phone but it's taking so long. it's been like 3 minutes and it should've only taken like 39 seconds. i'm going to check on her. i walk out and see her laying on the floor with her foot stuck in the door so she's like all twisted up.
"Y/N NO!" i go over to her and pick her up. she was still breathing but she was knocked out and all beat up. i had to get her to a hospital. i drive to a hospital and when we get there i run in with her in my arms. "someone please help!!!!" i don't really say it to anyone i just run in saying it. i walk up to the desk and tell them about y/n. "please help my girlfriend she got hit by a car and she's knocked out" i say in a panicking voice kind of yelling at the lady. she responds in a calm voice by saying "alright sit please calm down, is she still breathing?" how can she be so calm?? "YES SHES BREATHING JUST GET HER HELP!!!" obviously i was not calm, the love of my life just got ran over. "okay please follow me" i'm following the women with y/n in my arms like i'm holding a baby, we walk into the room and i lay her down. "the doc will be here soon, in the meantime please fill these out" she hands me papers and i'm freaking out because they're not doing anything so i just fill out the papers. after about 15 minutes the doctor walks in and i stand up really fast hearing the door open. "hey there um" he looks at the paper where i filled out my name and said "hawk?" "yeah what about it" i reply aggressive "nothing. how is she?" "how would i know? it took you 20 minutes to get here after she was run over by a car." i'm so mad and i say it like an asshole but i don't care. i want him to know. "alrighty well let's check her out" i hate all the staff here cause they're so fucking calm. it irritates me. the doctor is checking out y/n and felling her heart to see if she's still breathing. he lifted up her shirt to see if she had any bruises or bad wounds but since the thing happened with kyler she didn't have a bra on so the doctor saw her boobs. i got so mad "BACK OF MAN YOURE A DOCTOR DONT TRY ANYTHING!" i sounded so dumb but i was just flooded with emotions. i was mad, i was sad, i was scared, i was annoyed, i was stressed and i didn't hide my emotions. "calm down i'm sorry. was she knocked out when you saw her?"
"did you see it happen?"
before he could say anything i kind of blurted out "will she be okay?!"
"as of now we're going to need to keep her overnight, but she's knocked out pretty bad, i'd say she has a concussion and a broken leg"
"fuck" i kind of whispered to myself hating myself for not going with her to get her phone. i felt so guilty.
"can i stay with her?"
"yes you can but you'll have to sleep on the couch"
"okay that's fine when will she wake up?"
"i'm not sure, if she wakes up tomorrow she might not remember what happened"
i stopped poste wing after he said IF she wakes up, will she be dead?
"you really love her don't you?"
"she will be okay son. i promise" the doctor walked out
i walked over to y/n and sta next to her. i kissed her hand and held it tight. "i'm so sorry" i wish worked while kind of crying. i've never cared about someone so much. i can't lose her. i went to sleep but i moved the small little couch so close next to her hospital bed and fell asleep holding her hand practically snuggling it.
i was asleep and someone walked in. it was kyler
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE KYLER" i'm almost surprised y/n didn't wake up at how loud i yelled at kyler
"oh just checking up on y/n", "maybe she'll be less feisty this time" he really thinks he's going to get close to her. i'm not going to let him. i go to punch him but he blocks it and grabs my arm and flips me over. i'm just laying on the ground in pain, he stepped on me like i did to him earlier and walked over to y/n "hey baby" he kissed her and i got up as fast as i could. "what the fuck do you think your doing?" oh well we got interrupted by your nosy ass i'm just finishing what we started"
"you guys didn't start anything, you didn't even get her consent" kyler looks mad and says "nah man you're just jealous, you wish u could fuck her" what the fuck is wrong with this dude? "IM NOT JELOUS OF YOUR ASS, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU" "alright alright, that's fair" he didn't move tho he just stayed next to y/n "he put his hand up real high as if he was showing me something on his hand and put it down and slapped y/n so hard on the cheek and that made me furious but i heard the door open "hawk?" "hawk wake up" it was miguel. i opened my eyes and realized it as a dream. thank god. "miguel what are you doing here?" i was still sort of mad at miguel but i just dropped it. "i'm here to check up on my friend. how is she?" "i honestly have no idea they say she's doing better but she hasn't woken up. she's still breathing tho." "that's good" "yup" it was really awkward until the doctor came in and said  "we have to take here to get a CAT scan and see if there's any further damage." "alright" i said pretty calm cause i think she's gonna be okay and i'm exhausted, i barley slept last night.  they took her out and left. it was quiet for a little i till miguel said "so why'd you leave the party early last night?" oh my god. he doesn't know. no one knows. i can't tell him, it's not my story to tell. "we just had to leave." "um okay" he sounded suspicious and after about 30 seconds he said "you didn't do anything to her did you?" that made me mad. how could he thunk i would do anything to y/n, i love her. "i didn't touch her." "you really think i would hurt her?" miguel said "i-im sorry i'm not sure if you care about her as much as i do. and you're definitely capable of doing something to her." i gave him a death stare and didn't reply until like a minute
"get out"
"you heard me, get out"
"she doesn't need you right now and i don't want to be with you when you think i hurt her."
"ok dude i'm sorry but she's my best friend i'm just worried about her."
"whatever. get out before i call security"
"fine, just give this to her when she wakes up"
he handed me a red little gift bag and walked out.
i just waited for y/n to get back but i stated to get bored so i got on my phone, i haven't been on it since before the party and i saw a missed text from y/n it said:
can you please come over to the kitchen kyler is making me really uncomfortable
oh my god. i felt so guilty. it was all my fault because i didn't look at my stupid fucking phone, none of this would have happened if i just had my phone out. holy shit. i hated myself.
it had been about an hour since they took her and they came back in.
"how is she?"
"well she has a concussion and a broken leg. but she should be waking up soon. she sort of woke up during the CAT scan."
"okay thanks bye"
i said bye hoping she would leave so i could be alone with y/n and i guess she took the hint cause she left.
i walked over to y/n and rubbed her cheek gently and said her name quietly. she opened her eyes softly and gave me a sweet small smile. i didn't actually think she'd wake up so i smiled right back at her
"how are you?" i asked
"i'm fine, my head really hurts tho. what happened?"
if she forgot about how she got hurt maybe she forgot about kyler?
"okay um we'll do you remember going to the party?"
"sort of"
"okay well we were driving home early and"-
i got cut off by her saying "wait why did we leave early?"
i didn't know how to tell her
"i-um- well- kyler- at the party- um- he- um- he" i took a deep breath and finally said "he raped you."
she was speechless i don't know if she remembered and remembered her feelings, or if she was just in disbelief. 
"i remember."
"okay. and then after, we drive home and you went to get your phone and"
she kind of cut me of by saying what happened. "and then i got hit"
"so do you remember everything?" i said kind of relieved she remembered
"what's your name?"
"okay good. last name?"
"soon" i laughed
"cmon eli i remember everything can we go home?"
when she called me eli it didn't make me mad. it made happy. she did remember.
"eli? can we?" i felt so bad saying no, but this time i had to. "we have to stay longer cause u gotta get your cast and they have to check you out one more time but when we leave i'll do anything you want." "whatever it's fine" she patted the bed and moved over signaling me to sit down so i did. "i'm so bored" usually when she says that she's not actually bored but this time she sounded so bored.
so i just said "yeah same" she replied by saying "i know what will be fun" she gave me a devious smile. she turned her head and kissed me. we made out for like a minute until she stopped and just kind of groaned softly "what's wrong" i said worried "nothing my head just really hurts" "do you need water or aspirin or anything?" "can i just have water?" "yes i'll get it for you princess" i get up and look through the cabinets of the hospital room for aspirin and i finally find it. i give her two pills and a cup of water. she took the pills "thanks baby" i love when she calls me that, it's so wholesome. "no problem" i got back in bed and she kissed me again and got on top of me. i'm kind of worried cause i think she's going to hurt herself, but in the other hand i felt so bad about everything so i wanted to give her whatever she wanted. so i just went along with everything she was doing. she took her shirt off and still didn't have her bra on.
i took my shirt off then took his off. i didn't know what i was doing or why i was doing what i was doing but i just missed him so much and i was bored so why not? he got up and locked the door, when he got up he only had sweatpants on and no shirt he was so hottt!! he locked the door and got back in the bed we starting kissing again and he got on top of me
"you sure you wanna do this?" i nodded my head "you got a condom?" "no but i'm on birth control" "good" he whispered in my ear as he put it in. i let out a little moan but tried to be quiet cause i didn't want the doctor to come in. he was going kind of slow but i whispered "go faster" so he did. at this point i was trying so hard not to moan i was basically whimpering. he was just breathing heavy. he flipped me over where i was on top of him "take over" he said. he grabbed my hips and held onto them. i couldn't handle it anymore so i let out a loud moan and he laughed so i stopped and he said oh come on you're just so cute
"fine" i roll my eyes as a joke and go to kiss him but i swerve. and he grabs my face but gently and puts his lips on mine. i gently bite his lip and stopped kissing him and pushed him away softly. he pulled me closer and kissed me. he went down to my V and starting licking. it felt so good "don't stop" i moaned he didn't look at me he just kinda said uh huh while still doing it. i dug my nails into his back but i knew it wouldn't hurt him cause i have short nails. he kept going which made me arch my back and moan loudly, i put my hands on his hair which was not in a mohawk and pulled him up. i just hugged him for along time catching my breath and he said "you good?" i didn't know what he meant so i said "yeah, you?" "better than ever" he smiled and kissed me. it's been like an hour so he gets up, unlocks the door and goes down to get food. i wasn't hungry but i let him go. i didn't have my phone and there was nothing to do. i was so bored. i looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30pm which is when we have karate training. i can't believe hawk would skip that, sensei said if we skipped we'd be off the team. why would he do that for me. he came back after about 30 minutes with canes. he pulled out what he got me but i didn't want to eat. so i didn't "come on y/n you have to eat." "i'm not hungry" "did you eat today?" "no" "well you need to eat. it's been three days since you've eaten something." "just let me be it's fine" "i'll stop bugging you when you take one bite" "i just one fry then opened my mouth to show that i swallowed it "happy?" "yes." he replies. i know he's just worried about me but it was annoying. the doctor came in later "y/n l/n" he says "um yes?" i could tell hawk looked worried by the way he said my full name. so... you do have a fractured leg and we're going to need to put a cast on you, and you have a mild concussion, so no being on any device or watching tv, don't do anything that may hurt you and we'll give you medicine, yourself concussion should be feeling better by next week." "okay..." i say waiting for him to say more "about your cast, we can get you either a cast and crutches, or a boot" i didn't know what to choose but it didn't seem like a big deal, i also just couldn't make up my mind" "i-uh can i have a- um" "a boot i guess" "okay if you have a boot, you will be able to take it off and for a cast you can't." "uh okay ya i'll have a boot then ig"
hey whores idk what to write so just come back and i'll write ab some shit tysm for 60 reads! love y'all bye bitches

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