Chapter 11

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Peter's Pov

I was super excited and nervous for today. I get to meet 3 more avengers, two of which are my age-ish! Still, what if I screw up, and they figure out my identity. I don't want Miss. Maximoff going through my mind! However, I put on an excited smile, and prepared myself to meet all of them. I was standing awkwardly in the common room with the rest of the avengers present when FRIDAY interrupted the small talk. "Wanda, Vision, and Pietro have arrived. I suggest you greet them before Pietro can cause too much trouble." A few seconds later the elevator dinged and out stepped 3 more avengers.

"Stark, who is this?" Mr. Maximoff asked with an accented voice. Mr. Stark put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "This is Peter! He's my intern, and he lives here."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Maximoff!" I held out my hand for him to shake. He sped forward, took it, and said warmly, "Pietro." Then, without warning, my surroundings blurred, and when they cleared I was in front of Miss. Maximoff and Mr. Vision. Unfortunately, my legs were not designed for superspeed, and I face planted by their feet.

"Wanda, wanda, wanda! Look at the little cinnamon roll!" He said excitedly.

"I can see him, Pietro. Now Peter's on the floor." she replied, rather annoyed. She helped me stand, and I stuck out my hand for her and Mr. Vision to shake.

"Nice to meet you Miss. Maximoff, Mr. Vision!" She laughed and said, "Just Wanda." Mr. Vision followed suit and said, "Just Vision." Before I could try and make awkward small talk, Pietro gasped and sprinted over to where Steeb (the dog) had wandered out of my room. "He's so fluffy, Wanda, can we get one?"

"We already have you," she muttered, and I stifled a laugh.

"Clint, can we get one?" Pietro asked hopefully, looking at Mr. Barton. Sensing my confusion at the scene, Wanda told me, "He's kinda like our father figure." That's strange. Wanda, Vision, Pietro, and Mr. Barton all of the same sort of connection as Miss. Red, Mr. Robot, Mr. Speedy, and Mr. Arrow. That has to be a coincidence though. Lots of people have a sibling dating a robot-like person and an archery-loving father figure. Right?


I could hear the avengers in the other room as I slipped out on patrol. I know this is dangerous, with them chasing me and all, but I can't disappoint the city. They're counting on Spiderman to keep them safe! I told steeb this as I jumped out the window and swung off to fight crime. Sure enough, halfway through my patrol I was stopped by no less than 6 avengers: Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Quicksilver, Black Widow, and Hawkeye watching from afar. I really hope this doesn't end in a fight. My spider sense was going nuts.

"Spiderman!" Iron man called out to me, and lifted his helmet lid, "We come in peace!" I finally noticed what was in his hands. The suit I made! I tried to act like I didn't know what features it has.

"Nice suit! But what stuff does it come with?"

Mr. Stark grinned proudly. "My intern made it. I don't know entirely what he added, but it has more of your web-shooter things, safety features, and a personal AI!"

"Wow," I smirked under my mask, "This intern must be extremely talented," I saw Miss. Romanoff roll her eyes.

"So what do you say Spiderman? You come with us, get the nice new suit, and this doesn't have to end in a fight." I'm not going to lie, I was tempted.

"But that means you get my identity, don't you? Sorry, but it's called a secret identity for a reason." Mr. Stark's grin quickly turned into an unpleasant frown, before the helmet slammed shut. "Alright, you asked for it!" his voice came out, and I could see his repulsors getting ready to fire. Red magic was gathering around Wanda's hands, and my spidey sense told me that Mr. Barton had at least 2 arrows aimed at the back of my head.

I could feel time slow down as I leapt up and swung this way and that, dodging arrows and repulsors, swirls of red magic and lightning fast hits. I shot a web at Pietro, but he dodged and it hit Miss. Romanoff, who glared at me. I shot webs left and right, some missing their targets. I darted around and short 3 successive webs at Iron Man, only for them to be shot down by arrows. I quickly ducked and shot another web at Mr. Stark, this one hitting its target with an audible "Oof!" He whipped around, repulsors blazing, and I darted away to prevent being turned into a roasted shish kebab. I swung up and around the building, catching Mr. Barton by surprise and webbing him to the roof. 1 down! I narrowly dodged a repulsor beam, and swung along, trying to lose him in the web of buildings. My arms felt like they were burning from the fast swinging. Well, one arm. And what was that odd smell? I yelped with the sudden realization that I hadn't dodged the repulsor as well as I thought. My arm was on fire! I swung back up to a building and quickly tried to put it out. The distraction gave the avengers enough time to sneak back up on me. Pietro and Vision grabbed my arms and held them tight behind my back. I realized what they were going to do. "Now, Wanda." Mr. Stark said, and her eyes glowed scarlet. Wisps of red magic floated around my head. I shut my eyes tight, put up all my walls, and tried to think of nothing. "You are not getting into my mind," I thought to myself, repeating it like a mantra. Blurry images whirled through my head, but nothing she could identify me by. "You're not getting into my mind," I whispered as the images began to focus, solidifying into my worst memories. The echo began to grow louder, and the images shifted out of focus. My spidey sense was going ballistic and my head felt like it was going to explode. "You are not getting into my mind!" I repeated again, but the images began to focus again. I mustered up all of my willpower, and I felt the visions explode. "You are NOT getting into my mind!!!" I shouted. When my mind cleared I opened my eyes to see the red fading from view, and Wanda slumped backwards. Both Pietro and Vision abandoned holding me, and I took the opportunity to swing back to the tower. 

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