1 question; Jesper

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A/n hi everyone! This idea just popped into my head and I decided to try it out. It's probably not going to be good but I couldn't stop thinking about it, so now that that's out of the way let's begin and dont forget to leave any prompts or suggestions in the comments.

Recently there had been a huge announcement broadcast through all of kerch by the saints; 'any and all gang bosses and/or business owners must choose their best team to ask them a question about anything at all, then a saint would show the gang/staff the memories of the person to answer that question. The information shared may not be shared with any person who did not belong to the gang, any attempts to do so will result in the casualties of the perpetrators and the ones they attempted to tell. Any group that refuses this will be smited immediately'.

Now the day has come for the crow club to take their turn and all of the gang members were buzzing about what would be asked. They all knew who kaz would pick; but the questions remained a mystery.

Sure enough, when kaz was asked by the veiled saint who he would like go choose he named off the five others who he had broken into the ice court with *Matthias isn't dead here* and selected jesper to be the first in his interrogation.

"Very well then, Mr. Fahey, please come forward" the saint said in musical tones, once jesper had done so she continued, "What do you wish to know?"

Jesper could feel the entirety of the gang tense, although they would never be able to utter a word about what was shown, they all wanted to see the way dirtyhands' mind worked, him included.

He inhaled deeply and addressed Kaz, "you once called me Jordie on accident, when I asked you who he was you simply said 'someone I didn't want to loose'" he turned to the saint "who was he?"

The saint began the ritual of reaching into Kaz's mind, while she was preparing her herbs the entire gang took in their leader's response to the name. Kaz had closed his eyes and seemed to be ignoring all of their stares, clearly wanting this to be done with.

The saint took the paste she had made from the herbs and applied it to kaz's forehead and in a few moments all that anyone could see was a foggy haze as they drifted into the mind of the bastard of the barrel.

Jesper had expected to see two boys pulling off scams in the barrel, robbing banks and cutting purse straps.

He most definitely did not expect to see a 7 year old kaz in the middle of a field of spring crocuses; running from a slightly older carbon copy of him, laughing and calling for his older brother to catch up. The memory then faded into the beginnings of a snowball fight, the older boy pelting the giggling child with handfuls of snow until he inevitably fell over, laughing "you win jord! I give up!" And continued giggling all while he and his brother walked back home to a man that was definitely their father, a gentle smile on his face as he watched his elder son give Kaz a piggyback ride up to the small hill that their home was perched on.

Jesper was stunned, Kaz had called jesper his elder brother, sure it was on accident but it had to count for something! He was also shocked because it looked like Kaz had had a pretty good childhood; and it most definitely hadn't been in the barrel, all of those fields made him think that he might have been raised in the outskirts of ketterdam, or even farther. However that led to another question, what happened to make this child into the deadliest boy in ketterdam?

The memories came to a close and all of the gang stood there in shocked silence. The bastard of the barrel used to have a brother and a happy family, one that wasn't in ketterdam, he had lied to Geels that night. He was not manufactured in the barrel; he had come into it just like all the rest of them. The only one who didnt look remotely shocked was Inej, not like that surprised anyone. But everyone in that room was left to wonder how that smiling boy with a voice like bells in a summer breeze could have possibly turned into the terrifying Dirtyhands.

They were all snapped from their thoughts when the saint asked Kaz, "who will ask next?"

Please leave some suggestions for the others' questions!

788 words

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