A plotted life

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A/N yes, another one of these kind of meta stories. Also sorry for not posting ive been in a huge slump lately, i hope you like this one! Also a little thing that i want to put out there, i mainly write to get my ideas out of my head and just plain out of me, so please keep in mind that these are just little ideas coming from an obsessed fan's head and not really thought about what would make the best story possible.

A huge phycological breakthrough had swept throughout the entirety of Ketterdam, they were a book, all of their lives had been drempt up and made for the amusement of people from another world. And there was currently a meeting being held with everyone in Kerch and people in power from other countries, specifically Ravka, Fjerda, and Zemini leaders. Their 'Author', Leigh Bardugo, had explained why and how she mad their world to them. And that is where we begin.

"Alright!" Leigh said, "any puestions before we start talking about the actual book?"

The Zemini ambasator raised his hand and asked, "You mentioned multiple seires taking place in our world, ho wmany seiries are there?"

"There are three currently." She answered, "Today we will be talking about the Six of Crows duology, comprized of Six of crows and Crooked Kingdom, that series takes place here, in Ketterdam, while the others take place in Ravka. Any other questions?"

"Yes." A merchant spoke up, "who are the protagonists of this series?"

Leigh smiled and said, "lets have them come up here now; Firstly Wylan Van-Eck."

A rather scocked looking Wylan stood up and shyly made his way up to the stage to stand and wait for the others.

"Next, Inej Ghafa"

Inej stood up and made her way to the stage as well, keeping her back straight and shoulders back, like a performer. Once she had taken her place next to Wylan, Leigh continued.

"Nina Zenik and Mattias Helvar"

the two stood up and walked up to stand next to their friends. They all knew what events would be shown. It was hard not too, when your crew was being brought to a stage.

"Next is Jesper Fahey"

Jesper stood and walked calmly to the stage, grinning as if it were only natural that he be there. Which it was.

"And finally, Kaz Brekker.

As Kaz limped his way up to the stage murmers broke out between the gang members in attendance, which was most all of them, speculating on what the book was about to be so compelling to the fanbase who made the works that they were to be shown, while the murchers speculated on why she would choose to write about barrel rays insread of their pristene bloodlines.

Leigh put her hand up to signal quiet and the conversation slowly died dow as Kaz took his placd on the stage.

"Now, firstly any questions or requests on what we will watch?" Leigh asked, daring any of the merchers to state their anger over not being chosen.

Jesper quickly raised his hand, "who's perspective is the book in?"

"All of your's, it alternates every chapter" She answered

Jesper hand came up again, "And who is the fanbases favorite?"

Leigh smirked and said, "Kaz, by far"

At that Jesper squaked indignantly, while Kaz was as emotionless as ever.

"But why?!" Jesper whined, "He's litterally the worst person here, by far!"

"That's why people like him." Leigh mused, "Their tired of goodie-two-shoes characters. And they must love Kaz, if the fanart, cosplay, which is basically dressing up as someone, and songs made are any indication."

"Wait, songs?" Nina asked, "About dirtyhands? Can we watch that?"

"Of course leigh said," pulling up a device that she called a computer, "let me get one up. But first take a seat in the front row and choose; Song 1, 2, or 3?"

"Uhmmm, 3?" Nina said, taking her seat.

"Ok, then." Leigh said, "Now introducing Hard To Kill by my world's Beth Crowley!"

A small cheer went up as, what Leigh called a projector, came to life, Showing simple credits as the intro played, they were all temorarily fasinated at the moving pictures before they realized the lyrics were starting and snapped back to the actual pictures as a female voice began.

All alone
Why do I need friends when I've got plenty of

"Classic Kaz" Jesper whispered to the rest of the six, Kaz ignored them.

I have a wat of finding out their sins and secrets, bringing them
To their Knees...

"I dont understand." Matthias called out, this is just who the demjin is normally?"

"Well" Leigh responded, "this one doesn't have any groundbreaking discoveries on him, can't have everyone knowing his past, now, can we?"

Thw world owes me a debt
And now i've come to collect
So don't get in my way...

All gang members gaveva slight shudder at that, they all knew just what happened if you stood in Kaz Brekker's way, and none of them ended prettily.

I came up from nothing
The streets were my playground
I belong to the city
And was raised on the stakes I claimed

All of the barrel rats nodded in understanding. That was how all lives started in the barrel went, just trying to get by.

However the ambasitors and leaders felt sympathy, 'what a terrible way to live' they thought

So I let the rumors turn me into a legend
Cause I'm only human
But a good myth is hard to kill

No one who knew of dirtyhands could argue with that. With all of the stories floating around about him no one truly knew what Kaz was capable of, some even doubted if Kaz himself did.

Maybe I'm too obsessed with retribution
Somebody has to pay

This news was only a slight shock, most people in the barrel wanted revenge for something. Though no one really knew what dirtyhands would need vengance for. After all, most of them thought of Kaz as untouchable, even as a child. It was hard to imagine anyone being able to do something to him.

By the time you figure out the rules I broke I've already
Won the game

The world owes me a debt
And now I've come to collect
So don't get in my way...
I came up from nothing
The streets were my playground
I belong to the city
And was raised om the stakes I claimed
So I let the rumors
Turn me into a legend
Cause I'm only human
But a good myth is hard to kill

The odds are stacked against me
I keep my cards close to my chest
Just let them see my worst and they'll never judge me for my best

This left some of the barrel citizens confused, no one had ever seen Dirtyhands at his worst, not that they knew of, at least.

The world owes me a debt
And now i've come to collect
So don't get in my way
I came up from nothing
The streetes were my playground
I bellong to the city
And was raised on the stakes i claimed
So i let the rumors
turn me into a legend
Cause im only human
But a good myth is hard to kill

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