1 question; Wylan

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Wylan had no idea what to expect, or even what he wanted to ask. He didn't know how to fathom that Kaz Brekker, who seemingly only knew how cheat and con had once been a normal child.

"What is your question, child?"

Wylan decided to go with the only question that came to his head at the Time "Why the gloves?" He asked in a quiet voice

The saint nodded as everyone in the room prepared themselves for the reasoning behind one of the most asked questions throughout the barrel, why the gloves?

As the room once again descended into Kaz's mind, wylan found that he wasn't expecting anything too gruesome, the last questions had led to a simple seiries of misfortune, nothing more. He was expecting this to be the same. He was very, very wrong.

The memory showed the two boys still in the alleyway as the body men came for them they watched as they tossed a small Kaz into the boat, thinking him dead. They all knew the effects of the firepox, they knew that even after the disease passed the victims would be unable to move; that the person's heartbeat was sometimes so faint that they were believed dead. They knew that this rare occurence had happened to the once happy child.

Wylan was mortified as he watched a small arm reach out of the piles of bodies, desperately pushing the child's body from the sea of corpses that lay on the reapers barge; as he watched kaz latch onto his brother's corpse and swim to shore, trying not to look at his precious brother's lifeless face as he painstakingly made his way to shore, tears rolling down his cheeks.

They saw Kaz make it to shore, hauled his way up the canal and saw his brother sink to the bottom of the ocean. They saw him making the beginnings of a plan, a way to survive until he could avenge his brother.

The next memory took place a few days later, when he was putting his plan into motion. Although the only thing it showed was flashes of corpses everytime he brushed up against anyone on the street or shook someone's hand. They all felt the ominous feeling of water rising, sloshing over their legs and pulling them back to the reaper's barge. The memory showed the boy putting on gloves, and the flashes stopped.

When he came to he saw that the rest of the six, including him, excluding kaz (Kaz just looked numb). Were weeping as the rest of the gang looked on in confusion.

"Allow me to explain" the saint said quietly "I am not allowed to show anyone other than the chosen crew memories that were truly traumatic, thus no one else saw that seiries of events."

At this Anika scoffed, " seriously, what could have possibly be traumatic to the bastard of the barrel? what could be worse that what we all saw a moment ago?"

There was a small seiries of agreements from around the room.

"OH SHUT UP!" Jesper yelled, tears still tracked down his cheeks "YOU DIDNT SEE IT SO YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT IT!"

Everyone was shocked into stunned silence. Jesper never yelled like that.

"Now, now" the saint said, " let's continue the chat after we're done. Your turn miss. Ghafa"

560 words

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