a strange ability

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A/n this is a request made by kk123huff thanks so much for the request, sorry it took so long! And i hope you enjoy!


Kaz Pov

Kaz had no clue where his family's power came from, only that it was dangerous, both to use and for others to know about. He was taught to master it anyway, but only for life or death situations, where no one would be alive to tell

He would practice only at night, with his father teaching him how to weave the darkness into a blanket so he could blend in with the shadows, or into a blade that he did not even need to touch to manupulate.

But now, niether his father nor his brother, whom he shared the gift with, could teach him and he had long since pushed his abilities down. Not using them once since his brothers' death. But it seemed that he didn't have a choice at the moment. His father had taught him to control his powers for situations just like this.

This situation was that he and the rest of his crew were surrounded by armies of fjerdan soldiers, ready to take back Kuwei and return him to the Ice Court. He would not let that happen after all he had done, both to get kuwei and to live outside of bars. He knew what he needed to do, but he knew that even if he used his full strength it would not be enough. There was only one way, and he was willing to do it.

So he asked kuwei for the Parem

"What on earth do you need that for?!" Nina whispered furiously, "It's not like you can use it!"

"You can can't you?" Matthias whispered, exasperated after learning that, at this point, half of their crew were grisha in disguise.

Kaz did not reply to Matthias, or to the other's paled faces. Not at the fact that he was grisha, but because he was going to use the parem, it was suicide!

He lifted the small pouch to his lips and swallowed.

Jesper pov.

Jesper only felt sick, awful, horror as Kaz Brekker, who was aplarently grisha, took the parem and dropped the small bag, he had heard the rumors about it from Nina. He knew what it did to a grisha's mind and body, that it would never be the same again.

He watched as Kaz's pupils dialated to the point of encompasing his whole iris as he raised his hands. He thought that the soldiers would drop dead or be swept away in a large wave.


He did not think that the small shadows that they cast would begin to lengthen and rise into small orbs of darkness that gathered at kaz's fingertips and were made into several small disks. Of which kaz moved with the smallest twitches of his fingers to begin spinning at unfathomable speeds as Kaz swept them through the armies before them. Leaving paths of bodies that had been disconected from their heads, ribcages split down the middle and several perfect slots through mens' chests, perfectly splitting their hearts in half

For the other soldiers, kaz simply grabed the shadows inside their bodies, (not a hard thing to do; intestines are not well lit) and use them to wrap around a person's heart and crush it in their chest, or force their intestines out of their body through a gory hole in their stomach, small tendrils of darkness pooling inside of the gaping hole, abandoned after their work was done.

In mere minutes there was not a single living thing on that port aside from them and the crew in charge of the Schooner, who had retrated to the other side of the boat in fear. There was not a single spot on that port that was not soaked in blood in guts, as kaz began to wade through the carnage, casually making his way to the schooner and motioning for them to follow


3rd person pov.

The others followed Kaz in shocked silence to the schooner, which set sail immediatly after they were boarded.

The dock was almost out of veiw by the time Inej stated, "You're a descendant of the black heretic." She whispered, looking at him in aprehension.

"No, I'm not." Kaz said, "This does run in my family, but he was not a part of it. As far as I know, at least."

"Why didnt you use that sooner!?" Nina cried, "It would have made everything so much easier!"

"I was trained to only use it if there was no other option, not for covineince!" Kaz snarled at her and the shadows twitched along the walls "This was my first time using it in nine years, Nina! I obviously don't want to make a habit of using it!"

"And why not?!" Nina roared

"Do you know what people would do if they found out about me?! The only known living person who can manipualte shadows! I would be hunted for the rest of my life, after it, too! Do you know the kind of price my bones would fetch!?"

That silenced Nina entirely, when it came to not being able to tell secrets for survival, she understood.

"I'm sorry" she said, "I didn't think about that."

"I know."

"What about now?" Wylan asked, "will you be hunted?"

"No" Kaz said, "there is no one alive to report a random darkling sighting, and I made sure that the schooner crew were replaceable, should i have reason to question their fidelity"

Wylan understood what he meant and, with clear fear in his voice asked, "and what if you begin to question ours?"

Kaz gave him al long, unblinking look with eyes that were still pure black and coarsing with power "I suppose I'll just have to trust you not to tell." He hummed

"We won't" they agreed in unison, no matter what Kaz did, he did not deserve to live in the constant fear of a known grisha, much less a known darkling.

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