Chapter 12

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Gibbs walked in and saw them both laying there. They were holding hands.

He sat down on the chair next to his longest known agent.

 “Tony”, he began, “If it’s true what Ziva tried to say, that you can’t stay here, then you shouldn’t spend another day in the hospital.”

DiNozzo turned his head around to look straight into the sea grey eyes of his boss.

“She’s awake.”

“What? Look at her, her eyes are closed and she’s barely breathing. That’s not what I call awake, DiNozzo…”

“She isn’t that awake, something keeps her from reacting and being able to move, but she understands what I’m saying. Her mind is functioning flawlessly, but her body is somehow still in coma. That’s possible, right?”

“Don’t ask me that, Ducky knows this stuff by far better than me. But technically yes, it should be possible.”

Gibbs looked at Ziva worried, she was so pale. “That was not how I hoped to see her again” he admitted.

“She’s going to be alright.”

Tony was surprised to hear himself saying this, it came out like the easiest thing ever even though he’d spent the last hours – no, days – worrying about that.

“I’m sure she is.” Tony carefully lifted up their folded hands to show Gibbs.

“I talked to her, not expecting an answer. She understands me. She understands us right now. When she squeezes my hand, it means yes. When she doesn’t do anything, it means no or she doesn’t know. Ask something, Gibbs.”

Gibbs nodded. “How important is it to get out of the hospital?”
Very important. She squeezed his hand. He nodded again.

“You think you can wake up soon? Because we can’t walk out of the hospital; carrying a motionless body.”
I don’t know. Their hands rested like they were no movement. “Recover yourself. We won’t leave here without you.” This time it was Tony’s hand which squeezed hers. It hurt Gibbs, because he saw how much pain it caused for DiNozzo that Ziva wouldn’t wake up.

“I can ask for agents to stand around here and protect you while she’s still asleep.” He suggested.

It was on purpose that he’d said asleep and not in coma.

“I don’t know if that’s necessary. Maybe one or two, I don’t want a whole Special Forces squad in the hospital room. I guess it’s also enough if you just stay in audible reach. Isn’t it?”

She squeezed weakly. “I’m outside on the corridor, just call if you need something. If she isn’t awake in at least four hours, I’m finding a way to drag a motionless body out of the hospital.”

Gibbs walked out and Tony smiled, but his grin fainted as he realized this hadn’t been a joke.

 Tony slowly pulled Ziva’s hand towards him and carefully kissed her fingertip. Please wake up.

The next hours, he spent waiting, holding her hand and listening to his own heartbeat. He repeated words over and over in his head, thought about everything that happened.

The evening before the fire, he thought, he should have kissed her. What if it was too late now and he could never kiss her again?

Next to him, Ziva gasped for breath. Her eyes were opened.

“Tony!” She said, sitting up. He let go of her hand. Did she remember everything? “Ziva” he answered, a weak smile on his lips.

“I won’t faint again.” She confessed out loud. “Are you sure?” Her eyes met his eyes, and she nodded. It was still hurting to look at her.

When is the pain going to stop?

“I’ll call Gibbs; he’ll take us to his house.”

Is it going to stop at all?

 “Thank you.” She replied calmly.

What if it just goes on and on?

Gibbs entered the room and smiled when he saw Ziva sitting there, awake.

“Time to get you two out of here”

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