Chapter 23

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"Time's up, lovebirds."
Thick boots echoed stamping on the floor as the assaulter surrounded the table they were hiding behind.

For the first time she saw his face, sharp contours, dark and broken eyes, a long scar on his left cheek.
He hadn't shaved for days.

"Don't look at my face like that. It's you who did this." The man said as he noticed both their stares on the hideous injury.

"Do you not remember? Netanya. I aimed my gun at you in the shopping center.
You threw a knife at me." He laughed bitterly.
"I thought I missed." Her voice was hoarse.
"Well, it seems you didn't." His mouth twisted with an ugly smile.

Then he whipped out a short dagger and raised it to her lips. "You want to know how it felt? I am sure you do."
"No!" Tony shouted, but before he could interrupt, the man slammed the butt of his gun into his temples.

Ziva flinched.

"Oh, now you're scared; now that I hurt your boyfriend.
Don't worry, when I am done with your face and he is awake again, you can watch me kill him.
Or maybe I should just do it now, so you can hold him while all life flows out of him."

He pressed the gun against Tony's limp body.
"No. Just take me. Get it over with. Leave him be." She pleaded.

Back in the day, she could have overmatched in a fight, but not any more.

"You two are ...lovely.
You almost make me want to let you live, but oh... almost.
Such a small word it is, and yet it makes such a big difference.
I almost spared you..."
He let the knife softly sink into her cheek, pulling it downwards.
She did not wince.
"...You almost got married..."
He stopped, the knife dripping crimson.
Ziva felt the warm liquid running down her face, but she barely blinked.

She stared at the face of the man she scarred so badly that he went mental.

"...You were almost happy..." The knife dug into her skin again, this time at her neck, where Tony had kissed her only a moment before.
It was heading right towards the main artery.

"...You almost made it."

Her eyes turned to see Tony's seemingly lifeless body and she was done. She was ready for it all to end.

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