Chapter 9

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Everything was blurred.

She blinked and as she opened her eyes again, things were clearer.

White walls, white beds, everything was white. Memories came back slowly.

She remembered flames, smoke, the feeling of not being able to move. The apartment had burnt down. And it was all her fault.

One single thought went through her head.


Carefully, she stood up and untied herself from all the infusion sleeves. Everything was spinning around her, but she kept going.

“Hey!” the woman in the other bed in her room yelled. “Where the hell are you going? You can’t just stand up and leave! Are you even listening to me?”

Ziva’s hands reached for something to hold on, but there was nothing.

She tripped out of the door frame, feeling dizzier than ever before.

“Lady! Hey! You’re going to hurt yourself if you go on like that! What the shit!” The woman’s screams didn’t get to her, everything she heart were incomprehensive noises which worsened her headache.

Even her sight became fuzzy and she sank against the wall.

“Tony…” she murmured. “It’s not over. We’re… not save in the … hospital…”
I won’t faint. I won’t be that weak as they expect me to be. I can’t give up now. I need to protect him. I need to protect them all. They can’t die because of me. They’re all in danger. Why didn’t I stay in Israel? Then they wouldn’t have burnt Tony’s apartment.

A thousand things were going on in her mind. It was all too much.

Get up. Stop lying on the floor, that won’t help anyone. What happened to the tough woman I once was? I can’t be that weak. Just get up. GET THE HELL UP!

She heard her own voice screaming in her head, but she felt powerless. It was like she looked down on herself, lying leaned against the wall, she forced herself to move but she just couldn’t.

She’s had that feeling before. When the room was burning, when the flames were devouring the apartment she had felt exactly the same way.

Why? Since when was she so helpless?

The nurse came down the corridor, called by the woman’s shouts. “What is it?” The nurse asked politely. “Ms David is on the floor. She just stood up and walked out. I guess she collapsed.” The woman explained throaty. She had screamed herself hoarse. “Oh no.”

They saw her lying on the ground, in the blue hospital gown.

“We need someone here!” The nurse called, trying to right Ziva’s flaccid body. Gibbs ran out of Tony’s room. Without saying something, he helped the nurse to lift Ziva and put her back into her bed.

“What happened?” He asked the woman who had called for help. “She… she just stood up and tried to walk out. She toddled towards the other room… and I didn’t understand what she said but she said that she isn’t save in here. No, wait, she wasn’t just talking about herself… she said we. About whom was she talking? Who even is she? Is she some kind of terrorist or assassin? Did I help a fugitive? Oh my god-” The woman stuttered, insecurely tapping with her fingers on the edge of the bed.

“It’s alright. She isn’t an assassin. She’s a good person. You did everything right. Thank you. She has been a federal agent and maybe you saved her life. But first of all, calm down. Okay?”

The woman’s eyes became bigger as she took a deep breath. “Yes. Wow, okay. I saved a federal agent” she repeated and looked very proud of herself.

“Wait; are you a federal agent, too?”

“Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Ma’am.” He presented himself, a smirk on the face.

He knew that the nurse was taking care of Ziva and that it wouldn’t help if the woman here would just keep nervously talking and interrupting everything, so he chatted a bit with her.

“Wow, this is so cool. Um, I am Anne. I have a cupcake shop at the end of the street down there, but I got hit by a car and broke pretty much every possible bone, me and my bad luck. But I’m fine, I’ll be fine…”

She talked a lot and told him lots of things and he suddenly realized that she maybe had no one else to talk to, even if she was such a sunshiny person.  

He had to go over to DiNozzo, tell him about Ziva.

"We got Ms David in a stable state again. She’ll be asleep for a few hours but it’s a good thing that she at last woke up. I can’t say much more” the nurse said. Gibbs nodded.

Ziva was screaming on the inside.

Notice me! Help me! I am awake! Why can’t I move? HELP ME!

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