Chapter 20

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Ducky took the blood samples calmly and Abby analyzed them.
They couldn't find any traces of the drug, no matter how hard they tried.
"I guess it's out of your system by now" She concluded. "I wish I could do more to help-..."

Metal shattered the small glass windows of her lab.
This had happened once before and it reminded Abby of that awful memory she had been repressing ever since.
After Kate had died, Ari had tried shooting her too.
Just like then, she threw herself on the ground. So did the others.

"Is anybody hurt?" Gibbs yelled.
"We're fine!" Tony answered for himself and Ziva, the others made agreeing noises.

"Get out of here! Stay down!" Gibbs ordered and everyone obeyed.
Ziva had scraped her elbows as Tony had pushed her down, only milliseconds after the bullet had been fired.
But that was the least that mattered now.
They crawled out onto the floor while more bullets shattered the windows.

Ellie, McGee, Abby and Ducky were already up on the stairs.
"Go!" Gibbs shouted. "Call in the security breach!"
Tony helped Ziva to get on her feet when the window was kicked into pieces by some military boots.
"He's getting in here, boss!" Tony called.

They limped into the hallway.
Gibbs pulled out his gun as the person slipped completely through the shattered window.
Ziva turned around to see the face of the man who was trying to murder her.
He was holding two grenades in his hands.

"Left!" She shouted and Tony turned them around in the moment one of the grenades landed on the floor, right between them and Gibbs.

All of them bolted away, Tony and Ziva left and Gibbs up the stairs on the right.
As in slow motion, the little metal balls errupted into a huge explosion.

Debris obstructed the way to get back to the others now.
"Are you alright?" He yelled.
Tony looked at Ziva. He'd buried her under his own body to protect her from the detonation.
His back was hurting a little, but he barely noticed. She nodded.
"We are! Get us some help!"

They heard Gibbs rushing up the stairs.
It was just them and the killer now.
"Get us some help, those are stupid last words." Ziva murmured.
"Yeah? That's because I decided these are not going to be my last words." Tony replied.

She looked at him, his eyes so forceful and determined.
"What's the plan?"
"We get down there. Hide behind anything we can find. Wait for help."
He pointed down the hallway.

"Hurry." He added.
They knew the killer would be stepping out of Abby's lab in any moment.
Tony pushed around a few tables he could find, chairs and even a door.
"You're right. This is not how I want to die. Hiding." Ziva said.

They put their heads down behind one of the tables so it wasn't obvious where they were.

Automatic gunshots echoed through the hallway.
He wasn't aiming to hit anything, he was just showing off.
Intimidating them.

Tony pulled out his own gun.
"Promise me we won't die" he told her.
"Well, at this point it really isn't me who decides that" Ziva answered.
"Promise me-" but before he could finish, she took his face into her hands and softly brushed her lips against his.
He kissed her back, desperately.

How high was the chance they were going to die? Shut up, he told his mind, you've been in a situation like this a hundred times.

Nothing else mattered any more; he focused on the taste of her mouth before he pulled away.
Heavy steps echoed on the ground; then they stopped.
"Ziva David.
You took someone I loved away from me.
Guess what I am doing to you now.
I will wipe you out;
and your precious boyfriend too.

Though it was only for me you got reunited.
How ironical.
At least you will die together." The man said with a thick Hebrew accent.

"We will not die." Tony whispered.
"We were in a situation like that before. Do you remember what happened? You shot the guy in his damn foot.
And that's exactly what we're gonna do. Fight."

She searched for his hand to squeeze it, but she couldn't find it. Bullets started raining down on them.

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