13- Shion

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Admin: this part is a  bit sad.



"I heard that you become one of the Master Bladers huh," Taba said while the team Blitzkrieg Boys were walking across the halls of the Hiwatari Mansion.


" How is it? Being a master bladed ?" Bryan asked.

" Boring."

"Huh why?"

"Just doing training and we won't even be able to take part in the championships. And why are you taking my interview ?"

"Tala chuckled, "no reason"

"Where's Ian ?"

" He's in front of your father's office gate. he's waiting for you."

[Time Skip] Kai's POV:

The talk with my grandfather went really well. surprisingly. He looked guilty but I still couldn't trust him. He gave me the envelope when I was right on opening it but a call on my phone disturbed me. I walked out of my grandfather's office and picked it up, it was from Tatsuki. 'What does he need?'

"Kai! "



That name. The same I can never forget. The name which I loved to say. The person whom I still love. The very own person was the sister of my ex-best friend. The person that disappeared from my life. I always regret ignoring those twins that day, 5 years ago.


"Yeah? "

Tatsuki soon explained that shin (Shion) was actually my childhood friend Shion and how shin died, how Shion felt, how Shion had to be a boy and how she got treated after her brother's twin death. Now I regret it even more. Tatsuki also told me that she went through way too hardcore training just to avenge her brother. I didn't blame her, it was all my fault.

"Kai.. let me get to the point." I've never heard Tatsuki this serious before.

"Shion... she is... "I heard the news, the call soon ended,

I was angry, really angry, oh- anger was an understatement I was furious. I burst into my Grandfathers office 

"What did you do?!" 

"What do you mean kai?"

"You did it didn't you?!"

"what did I do?"

"Give me a jet to Japan RIGHT NOW !"


'shion, Please be okay...'

 [Time Skip ]

"Master kai, we have arrived at the destination."

"William, You can go now"

"yes, master kai."

Inside the Kurenai Mansion, there was G-Revolution, G.O.D., Shion's Parents, Shion's sister Manami, Shoin's brother Ryuto, Koichi, and Tatsuki were talking with her parents, G-Revolution arguing with Delta and Dante, I guess they know the truth too. Only Ray and Hilary were calm. did they know?

"What's the plan? "I asked, trying to be calm. Ryuto glared at me

"kai, the Investigators have been investigating for hours, nothing was found. I was probably the last person She talked to. "Brooklyn said entering the room. He knows Shion ?_

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