15- Rescue

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Shion's POV

It feels like I've been here for years.

 Whenever the lights of this cell turn on, I can see how pale I've becomes more than I already was.

There's this guy who keeps an eye on my every movement. His eyes look dull, black- total darkness inside those eyes. He has dull blue-grey hair with (dull eyes. He looks like shin but is not.

Kai's POV:

The clue we found was that who the Leader of 'Eclipse Z is.

When we got access to both Kurenai corp. and Hiwatari Corp, we found that when Shin and Shion turned 1 year old, there was a party held that day. Many CEOs came to that party. Two people stood out, the youngest 'twin' CEOs of that time, their names were removed from any database we reached. Their company was powerful but after the day of the party, they started getting into debt and soon going bankrupt.

Their company's name was Lune and Sol, we put 2 and 2 together and got the answer to the problem. Lunae means Moon. Sol means Sun. When the two come together, it makes an eclipse.

(Sorry, I just made the evil people up =_=) 

Now, we are going to the location where they were last tracked, on a mountain.

There are men, literally hundreds of men of Eclipse Z' attacking us. But we have millions of guards from Hiiwatari, Kurenai, and even the Government protecting us. We nearly reached the top of this mountain but some More skilled fighters came to stop us. 

Brooklyn got shot in the arm.

???'s Pov:

"Boss, the Kid is awakened."

"Let me talk to it, I heard that the 1st stage of this mountain has been attacked, I need to get the information fast. Fang, get on your position and be on guard."

"Yes, boss."

I am Fang experiment no. 61147. I do whatever my boss wants me to do.

Shion's POV:

The Boss of this place has been sitting in front of the glass wall, keeping us Killing each other.

"If you tell the information, I'll free you now." 

"Idiot, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"How dare you raise your voice at me!? Fang torture her!"

Soon I was burnt by the heatwave of this cell I'm in.

"you'll end up dead like your twin brother! YOU ALL WILL DIE!" He said before laughing evilly. 

"How do you know that he died!!"

"Hahahaha! I'm the one who planned his death, What do you think it was? an accident ?!" he stated, followed by his evil laughter.

"wh- what do you mean?"

"Hah! I threatened the Hiwatari kid to ignore you two by killing his mother and making a disappearance of his father. I even had some fake evidence that proved that his father killed his mother and ran away. Heck, he didn't even know that your bro died!!"

"What!? But why did you do this?"

"oh, of course. This was all part of the plan. When you would rage in anger, the last mission will begin. The last eclipse wick arrive !" This boss' said walking away.

'Is he planning something or is literally dumb to tell me the main and final plan?' I thought.

"The last eclipse? What does that mean!?" I gotta act up and get as much information as I can before the so-called last eclipse!

𝕀 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦(𝕂𝕒𝕚 ℍ𝕚𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚)Where stories live. Discover now