16- Safe

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The two stared into each other's eyes, Shion couldn't believe that the guy she was plotting some heartbreaking revenge on was the one in front of her, the one going to save her

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The two stared into each other's eyes, Shion couldn't believe that the guy she was plotting some heartbreaking revenge on was the one in front of her, the one going to save her. Kai was horrified with her condition, she looked so...pale, some blood, her hair had teal in the roots now, just like the colored hair she had years ago. BUT she still looked like a princess in his eyes- 

Too busy to notice that Fang had come in the room and had stabbed kai in the arm if kai hadn't noticed sooner, he'd have stabbed his heart. 


The two started fighting, Kai was having a really hard time. Things started falling around, Fang hadn't even noticed that he had thrown Kai on shion's door lock button, making the door of the suffocating room open.

Even if Shion was freed from the Suffocating cell, she couldn't get up. She didn't have the energy to.

A hand helped her up, she looked up to see Brooklyn, He had a blood-filled cloth wrapped on his arm, he was panting lightly but helped shion up.

Brooklyn had come sneakily into the room, Saw the two guys fight. He took Shion in his arms and sneakily went for a run. The heavy aura was already lifted when Kai and Fang started to fight.

'I'm with you shion, you'll be safe now.'

"Where do you think you're going?! Give that girl back! A knife was thrown towards them but kai threw a box which was beside him to change the knife's direction upon being collided with the box. Thanks to Dream's hard training, he did it.

kai did save Shion and Brooklyn, but he didn't know that the box he threw could light up a fire upon being thrown.

The building started catching fire, Brooklyn tried his best to get out of the building with Shion in his aims.

When he came out, they hid in the bushes away from the building. A while later, Kai ran out of the building before it collapsed. He hurriedly came towards the two and told them to go down the mountain as fast as they could

"We have to get to the backups, this hill is going to explode!"

(what happened and how he knew that will be in the next chapter.)

When they came to an open area, they saw many 100s of helicopters in the sky. There was one which was coming towards them. The other helicopters probably had the other men that were in the mission.

They hopped in as fast as they could and flew up. 



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