3-Shifting and Introducing

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The week after the meeting had been very hard for the G-Revolution. They had to study so much for the test. Everybody passed the test easily except Tyson and Daichi but they passed.


Ray's POV:

A limo was standing in front of the dojo. Many people, who were walking by, were staring at it. Well, why wouldn't they? It's not like you get to see a limo every day. Tatsuki stepped out of it and asked the driver to put the luggage in the limo.

"Are you ready?"He asked.

"Mhm we are but we would get to see our parents in breaks right?" Hilary asked.

"Oh! You can come whenever you want. We will drop you; it's not that far is it?"

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Daichi ran in the limo.


"Bye, Grandpa!"

"See you soon"

"Bye my dear children"

Third person's POV:

During the ride, they stopped at BBA Headquarters. Nobody knew what to do except Tatsuki. He called someone.

"Where are your shin? We are here."

'Knock, knock' there stood shin knocking at the window. He was wearing a black sleeveless jacket with 'DREAM' written on it, a dark grey t-shirt and blue jeans. He had a file in his hand.

"I am here," shin said plainly.

"Took you long enough, "Tatsu asked teasing "come in"

He came and sat in beside Kia unfortunately.

"You sure it's the papers he wanted?"


"Alright then let's go" Taksuki ordered and the car started to move to its destination.

"So guys once you all reach there, the room arrangement has been done. As the rule, two people share one room. You can decide with who you want to be in a room with."

"I and ray are sharing as decided," Max said. "Daichi and Tyson, Kenny and kai, and Hilary is a girl so.............."

"Kenny, since you collect their data, Koichi said you are with me. OH! And Hilary, you can share your room with the shin. Tatsu announced.

"What! Isn't shin a guy, he should be sharing the room with a guy, not a girl? What if he does anything to her?" Tyson said. I have liked Hilary for a year now and I don't want her to share the room with another guy. He thought.

Tatsuki's POV:

What do I do! He doesn't know that SHIN IS A GIRL. What do I do, this guy is going to make it hard!

"Alright then, we'll discuss it when we reach there," I said looking at Shin, she nodded.

After a silence of 15 minutes, they reached the mansion.

"Welcome back guys!" Koichi exclaimed. Wow, he is back to his own self now.

"Good afternoon Mr. Koichi!" The G-Revolution greeted.

"oh, guys call me Ichi and come, I will show you your rooms."

"Wait! We need to ash something!" Tyson exclaimed and I looked at shin who shrugged.

"hm? Go on"

"as we all have paired, me and Daichi, Max and Ray, Kai alone and Tatsuki and Kenny, Tatsuki said that Hilary can live with Shin but isn't that illegal," Tyson explained just for Koichi who sent me a worried look to be answered by a shrug.

"don't worry Tyson, I'll share the room with Kai and Hilary can share a room with our female blader. Is that ok?" Shin said. WHAT?!!!

We were shocked at shin's voice coming out of nowhere.

"Alright then Lola( their faithful maid) please show them their rooms," Ichi said awkwardly, still confused with what is happening.
"Let's go guys"

Koichi's POV:

I......technically didn't expect that.

"Hey, Shion how are you going to hide your secret? Everything you have done in the past 5 years will be in vain if they get to know your secret." I said

"It'll be fine Ichi, don't, you know kai is the ONE"

"That's the problem! What if-"
"I know it's risky but I might get to know Kai's weakness faster so that I can break him, right?" She said smirking at the thought.

"Ok, but be attentive. I don't want you to be hurt anymore."

"I know and I will be"

"Sir, miss Date has arrived." A maid said.
"You guys go, I have some paperwork to finish," I said walking away.

Third person's POV:

The gate of the mansion opened, entering a black limo. Soon it stopped, the driver came out and opened the door. There came a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. She muttered thank you to the driver, then came to the two 15 years old bladers standing at the entrance.

"It's been a while huh Date?"
"It sure has, Shion."
"How was your tour?"Tatsu asked walking into the mansion.
"It was great Tatsu. I met many people but nobody could beat me."

"We already know that, well here is your room. you are sharing it with Hilary of G-Revolution."The girl was shocked at this and looked at Shion since she knew about kai and it was his team.

"Wait, if I am not sharing my room with you, then who is?!"

"kai," she said.

"WHAT, wasn't he-" Tatsu covered her mouth and said," We'll explain but now, go and put your things, Koichi needs us in 15 minutes in DREAM."


After 15 minutes: 3rd person's POV:

"Welcome to DREAM, a training center where bladers from different places train together improving their special skills to follow their dream. I am Koichi Shido and I am the head of DREAM. thank you for coming here, now please start the introduction from our elite group, GROUP-A.

"I am Shin Kurenai and my partner is Kyukon. I am the captain of Group-A"

"My name is Tatsuki Shido, Call me Tatsu. this is sceptile. I collect the data of bladers."

"My name is Lapis Date, I am the strategist. this is lunatic Dragonite."

"I am Tyson Granger. my bey is dragoon. I am the world champ. According to the letter, we are in group-A"

"I am Daichi Sumeragi and my partner is strata Dragoon. Glad to meetcha"

"Hi, my name is Raymond Kon call me Ray. this is Drigger."

"max tate, this is Draciel"

"kai hiwatari, Dranzer"

"Delta and Dante are not here today, but they are the youngest in group-A"

(I don't want to introduce everyone, every group has 10 members)

TIME skip: Shion's POV:

"Okay so please proceed to your rooms"

Everybody proceeded but Hilary tapped my shoulder.
"Can I talk to you in private?"
"Sure, come to the rooftop."

At the rooftop

"I know who you are Shion"

First time I have written too many 1092 words!
Sorry for the delay.
And I know it's boring.

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