Filming starts today!

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"Rory! Kie is going to flip when she sees what you're doing!" JD shouts, looking up at me. "Do you really wanna be risking a month of no beer again? Spoiler: It doesn't end well!" Rudy jokes while getting another can as Madi walks in frame. "Rory Jade!" Madi scolds, walking over to stand beside JD. "What are you doing?!" She asks while raising her hand to shield her eyes. 

I walk towards the edge, "Trying to see why he liked being up here so much!" I look down at them, "I just miss him..." She nods sadly, making me laugh and accidently improv. "I swear I'll put you six feet under if this is your way of getting back at me and you're alive." My eyes stay on the water before hearing Jonas yells, "CUT!"  

A crew member helps me get down safely, "Sorry about that improv, I was having a little in the moment type thing." I plead while explaining myself, "I'll try not to do it again." Elaine giggles from beside Rudy, twirling her hair. "No, that was amazing! I told you that you were going to bring Rory to life." He reassures me, patting my back. "Let's take it from JD's line again." 

We did a couple more takes before breaking for lunch, "Golf cart to lunch?" Chase smirks, finding a vacant one. "Please don't kill us!" I joke while getting on the back with JD, leaving the two girls to squeeze in the front with Chase. We drive around set a bit, getting some BTS videos and pictures. "Watch it! Precious cargo back here." I joke after Chase accidently drives over the curb. "Do you ever not compliment yourself?" He laughs, slowing down.

"I was talking about JD but sure!" He parks next to another cart, "We lived!" I shout dramatically as I jump off. "I'm not that bad of a driver." Chase scoffs, messing with my hair. "Rude! What kind of lunch options are there?" I ask Madi, walking with her. "Let's check out our trailers?" Chase suggests, spinning me around and pulling me towards the golf cart. 

I laugh at his sudden mood change, "We just got here?" He looks at Maddie for a second, "We just really want you to see our trailers!" I push Chase's arm off me, "What is going on?" I turn around to see Elaine and Rudy, holding hands. "Are you okay?" Maddie asks, looking at me sadly. "What? I'm fine." JD shakes his head, "It's okay to not be." 

"Don't feel sorry for me, I mean they're clearly together," I gesture towards Rudy laughing and flirting with Elaine. "And I'm the idiot for not seeing it sooner!" I face Chase and Maddie, "You're not an idiot, so don't say that!" Madi scoffs. "I'm going to go..." I mumble, brushing her arm off my shoulder. "I forgot that I promised Holland that I would call her after my first scene." I walk away from them, hearing Chase and Maddie start shouting my name. 

I start running for my trailer, being thankful that Jonas showed me before lunch. I slow down when I reach the lot, not wanting to draw attention to my current state. I fall backwards onto the couch, staring at the roof before the door swings open. "What do you want, Elaine?" I sigh, seeing her standing there. "I did what you wanted." 

She crosses her arms, "Why are you still here?" I look at her confused, "What?" She starts smirking, "I mean...look how easier it was to turn Rudy against you, with one conversation. You should just pack your things and leave!" I stare at her before laughing, "I'm not going to leave because you said so." She shrugs, walking towards me and pulls my hair, forcing my head backwards. "What the fuck!" I shove her off me, watching her stumble backwards. 

"It's all your fault!" She screams, tackling me to the floor. "You're insane!" I shout while attempting to push her off. "You ruined everything!" She starts throwing punches randomly, some hitting my face and ribs before I shove her in the stomach. "You better be gone by tomorrow!" She glares as she stands up and walks out.

I stand up slowly, grabbing my phone from the couch. "Come on...pick up!" I mumble, watching tears roll down my cheek where a bruise is starting to form, "Holls..." I notice her looking out of frame, "Yeah, it's Jocelyn!" She smiles before rolling her eyes, "I don't know why she called. Maybe if you let me talk to her then I can find out!" She turns her head, finally looking at me. 

"Oh my god! SFX makeup is really good over there!" I let out a small laugh, "Yeah...anyways, random question but do you think I could stay with you guys for a bit?" She furrows her eyebrows, "Of course, babes! Did something happen?" A sigh leaves my mouth, "I'll text you my flight details, just need to find somewhere to stay and talk to Jonas." 

She rolls her eyes, "Well, you're obviously staying with Tyler again!" I smile sadly, "Thanks Holls." She shakes her head while laughing, "You're fine, babes! I missed you anyways, see you soon!" I walk out of my trailer as the call ends, heading towards where we were filming earlier.

"Hi, have you seen Jonas by any chance?" I ask one of the camera crew, "In his trailer." He nods his head towards the producers' trailers, "Thank you!" I smile, leaving the crew to finish packing up. I walk past the first couple of trailers until I find his name on one of the doors. 

"Jonas?" I knock against the door, "Can I ask you for something?" I close the door behind me, finding him sitting at the table with his laptop opened. "Sure, what do you need?" I walk over to the table and take the seat across from him. "Jocelyn! What happened?" I look at him confused before remembering the bruise. "Oh! I fell over in my trailer and hit the table." 

"Are you sure that's what happened?" I nod, standing back up. "Um there's no easy way to say this..." I notice the worry flash across his face, "You haven't been offered another job, have you?" I shake my head with a laugh, "No job offers! I just need to leave for a week, preferably tonight if I can? I'll pay for the tickets!" He closes his laptop, "Just a week?" I nod quickly, "One week, I promise!" 

He nods silently as he walks over to me, "You have one week but only because we aren't doing any new scenes with you except flashbacks for now." He pats my shoulder, "Can I give you some advice?" I nod, looking at him with curiosity. "My wife would always tell me: Don't let others control your life, prove them wrong by doing what they believe you can't."

I thank him for the advice, heading for the door before turning around. "Can you do one last thing for me?" He chuckles but nods. "Could you tell everyone? I just know they'll have questions that I can't answer if I do it." He nods again, "Yes now go, you still have to packed!"

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