Back in LA

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I look at the board before calling my dad, "Hey Princess!" I smile at the nickname, "Are you at the airport?" He asks as I spot Rudy walking over with our drinks. "Yeah! Are you still picking us up from the airport?" Rudy hands me a drink, "Of course!" He scoffs, sounding offended. "Flight 1451 to LA boarding now, Flight 1451 to LA boarding now!"

Rudy starts grabbing our bags, "Boarding now!" We say our goodbyes as Rudy shows the flight attendant our tickets, I follow him onto the plane until we find our seats. "I've never seen you reading, when did you start that book?" I look at the book, "I read the first one when I was going to Charleston." He shakes his head as we listen to the safety instructions before taking off.

"Are you nervous?" I ask, noticing Rudy's leg starting to bounce. "Yes! I'm about to meet your family..." I grab his hand, interlocking our fingers. "They'll love you, want to know how I know?" He nods as I smile, "Because I love you." My eyes widen as I realize what I just said, "What was that?" I shake my head as he smirks. "I love you more." He whispers before kissing me.

I read a couple chapters until the pilot's voice goes over the plane's intercom, "Please make sure your tray tables are up and seatbelts are on as we prepare for landing! Thank you for flying with us today, we hope to see you again!" I put my bookmark into the page I finished reading before returning it to my carry on. I look out the window, watching the clouds disappear as the ground becomes visible again.

"Ready to meet my dad?" I ask, looking at Rudy while we put our seatbelts back on. "So ready!" He sarcastically says as the plane touches down. We follow everyone else to baggage claim as my phone vibrates in my pocket. "Hey! We're at baggage claim...between gates 4 and 5." I read a nearby sign, "Alright, we're coming!" I watch a group run past, spotting a familiar person walking behind h "Sebastian?!" I shout, "What are you doing here?" He whistles, "She's over here!" The group run over, pulling me into a group hug.

"J! I've got our bags-" Rudy stops when he sees the group surrounding me. "Is this the boyfriend?" My dad asks, staring him up and down. "Rudy Pankow, nice to meet you sir!" I groan, covering my face with my hands. "What? Did I say something wrong?" He asks, slightly panicked. "I like you." Dad smiles, pointing at him.

I shake my head, looking around at the people starting to gather around us. "IS THAT JOCELYN EVANS WITH THE MARVEL CAST?!" RDJ puts his sunglasses back on, "That's our cue!" Sebastian helps Rudy with the bags, "RUDY PANKOW IS WITH THEM!" I cover my face as paparazzi follow us to the limo outside.

Hemsworth holds the door open for everyone as security tries to hold the crowd back. "What did you have to tell me?" Dad asks, taking a sip of water. "How do you know it wasn't about Rudy?" I tease him, earning a glare. "Fine...Rudy and I are expecting." Jacob gets sprayed by the water from my dad's mouth, "YOU'RE WHAT NOW?"

" Jacob gets sprayed by the water from my dad's mouth, "YOU'RE WHAT NOW?"

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Rudeth: Our girl <3
tagged: @JocelynEvans and @Zendaya

❤️3.2m likes 💬1.1m comment

Zendaya: Love the caption!
↪ Rudeth: Thank you Z!

Chase_Stokes: Can't believe you guys left without saying goodbye!
↪ JocelynEvans: WE DID YOU LIAR!
↪ Rudeth: ^ you even got a box of Cheez-itz!

Drew_Starkey: How's LA without us?
↪ Rudeth: @Tom_Holland and @Jacob_B are like the LA version of you and @AustinNorth
↪ JocelynEvans: OMG THEY ARE!
↪ AustinNorth: Is that a compliment or insult?
↪ Tom_Holland: I have no clue
↪ Jacob_B: Compliment...I think?

MamaPankow: Missing you both!
↪ JocelynEvans: @Rudeth we need to visit!
↪ H.Pankow: ^ please do!
↪ Alec_Pankow: @Rudeth you better bring her home!
↪ Rudeth: I will!

JonasJPate: You better bring her back in one piece!

Madison_Bailey: It's so weird without you both here!
↪ JocelynEvans: We'll be home soon x

MadelynCline: Outer Banks and Marvel meet up? @JocelynEvans
↪ JocelynEvans: + Teen Wolf!
↪ JDaviss: YES!

Lilah.Pate: Enjoy LA but not too much!
↪ JocelynEvans: Idk...might stay forever.
↪ JonasJPate: NO!
↪ JocelynEvans: ...

RDJ_Official: I can't believe they made us all more to take this.
↪ ChrisHemsworth: I can.
↪ Sebastion_Stan: You're forgetting this is Jocelyn and Zendaya
↪ Anthony.Mackie: Like you and Evans are any better?!

ChrisEvans: Spotted this random couple while shopping? #Rocelyntagged: @JocelynEvans and @Rudeth

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ChrisEvans: Spotted this random couple while shopping? #Rocelyn
tagged: @JocelynEvans and @Rudeth

❤️6.3m likes 💬5.5m comment

Sebastian_Stan: I saw them too!
↪ RDJ_Official: They look kinda familiar?
↪ Anthony.Mackie: So weird?!

TylerPosey: Send help, I think they're staying in my apartment?!
↪ Dylan.Obrien: LOCK THE DOORS! 

ChrisHemsworth: Following a random couple? Bit weird 😂
↪ JocelynEvans: Hiding candy from your wife? Bit weird 😂

↪ Jacob_B: Can confirm!

JocelynEvans: I hate you all.
↪ Rudeth: :(
↪ JocelynEvans: Not you, idiot!
↪ Rudeth: @ChrisEvans your daughter is bullying me!
↪ ChrisEvans: Good job Princess!
↪ JocelynEvans: @Rudeth in your face!
↪ Rudeth: wtf.

JonasJPate: That's my daughter, please tell her to come home soon!
↪ ChrisEvans: She flipped me off...
↪ Holland_Roden: Probably deserved.

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