Revenge From A Orc

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     "Legolas!" I yell and open the door. Legolas shuts his book and looks at me curious. "Orcs are attacking! Kîah ' s here." I says and Legolas takes my hand, and runs forward. The walls of the palace shook. Loud sounds coming from outside, me and Legolas run outside and my jaw drops. Fire burns the tree tops, elves screaming and running. I let go of Legolas' s hand and run towards the people. I grab a Orc by the neck and kill it quick. I stab my dagger into another Orcs back, then a familiar scent comes to my nose. Kiah walks forward with a evil grin showing on his face. He laughs and looks at me. I growl and he walks toward me. I twirl my daggers as I walk towards him. He yells loud and swings his dagger at me. I dunk and come back up, and hit his chin hard. He flies on the ground and hit it hard. I look down at him, as I look at his arm.

       It was gone, like I remember cutting it clean off. "Your suppose to be died!' He yells and i smirk. "Try again later." I growl as he gets to his feet. His foot hits by stomach as I narrow my eyes in pain. Then I look up to see his fist hit my face. I fall and yelp almost. He puts his blade toward me and Legolas hits him hard into the ground. Legolas looks at Kiah has their swords collide. Legolas spins stabs Kiah shoulder. I finally get up and look around. Elves were fighting Orcs and Orcs were fighting Elves. Then I see Thranduil on his Grand Elk. I shift into my bear as Legolas and Kiah fight. I let out a loud roar and the fire on the trees blow out. The leaves shake and so do the trees. I stop along with everyone and hear loud paw steps come toward us. I smirk and see my dad in his bear form, jump from behind the trees. He jumps on the Orcs and attacks. I look forward at Kiah and jump on him. Fear was in his eyes and he roar at his. I let him crawl from beneath me and he yells.

       A Orc horn sounds as they run off into the forest. I smirk and me and my dad let out a loud roar. Then i look over at Legolas, he was slowly falling. I shift human and catch him, blood covers some of his face. I smile at him and stroke his hair. Elves comes and grab him from me. I get up and see my father, still in bear form, walk to me. I bow my head and he runs back into the forest. Thranduil's Elk is taken away as he walks towards me. "You and Legolas fought well today. Thank you for watching over him." He says and bows his head, I bow mine back as he walks away. I run beside him "Can I go see him please?" I ask him, he nods and I run to where he is.

    I take Legolas hand as we continued to talk. I use a wet piece of cloth to wipe away the dry blood. I smirk and kiss his forehead. "How do you feel?" I ask him and sit beside him, "I'm fine, can i get up now?" He ask as he slowly gets up. "If you get up and fall, I'm not helping you." I chuckle and watch as he gets up. He walks and looks at me. "See I'm fine." He says and walks towards me. He falls on me and I fall. We laugh as and shake my head at him. He smirk and kisses me on the lips. I kiss him back and I pull away, then stare into his eyes. A guard comes in and we look at him. "The king would like to see you two." He says and walks out the door. We look at each other and laugh. We get up and I take his hand again. Then we walk towards the kings throne.



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