Sacred sources

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There were different fazes for Adeline to accept the new, still bizarre, information. First faze was denial. She thought that she was goin utterly and completely insane. This is not some teen novel, this is a real world and she didn't understand how she got in this situation with people who pretended to be mad. This faze was quite long. It lasted two days in which Adeline avoided Atrix and his whole group by escaping and locking herself up at home. She called the hospital and said she was sick and couldn't come to work. This opened new directions for problems so now that everybody thought she was sick, Astrid came to her senses and came to apologize for everything. Adeline didn't open the door for her, she has a feeling that Astrid knows a lot more than she is telling her and that shook Adelines whole world. It was her best friend for goodness sake, if she knew something, why didn't she tell Adeline. The second visitor was very unexpected. It was Kellam. He claimed that Astrid sent him and that he was just checking up on her. He eventually gave up and left after almost half an hour of talking to a closed door. Adeline didn't believe him either. He was in on this too and he was lying as well. After two days and one sleepless night Adeline decided that if she is really going mad than let this become a nut show because some things in her mind started to add up and now she needed answers. 

That brought Adeline to faze number two. Listening faze. 

She showed up at Atrixes house at 11 pm demanding answers in such a rude demeanor that she shocked herself along with Atrix. But he knew she was coming back to look for answers. She knew deep in her heart that all he told her that night was true and she just has to accept it. Atrix was very patient in this process. He explained everything he knew about the history of their ancestors.  

"There is a legend that my grandma used to tell me before going to bed about our creation. It is quite beautiful if you ask me and that was the first reason I was proud to be the person I am" Atrix said with a big smile on his face. That smile showed that his feelings never changed from just being proud of who he is. 

"Our sources were created when the planet Earth started to become a place to live. The main source is something quite similar to what humans call Mouther Nature but we know it as Talulah. Talulah  helped to develop human kind from the beginning and the planet was thriving but at one point chaos broke loose among the people. They started to fight mainly about the land and stock  but that escalated to fighting about everything. Talulah was getting restless because of that and the planet started to change. But one wise woman started to feel that there was a source of some kind that ruled the world. And she was right so she started to look for it. The source was very proud of the development of that particular human, and even a little flattered, that she decided to gift her. She gifted her with magic she could control by drawing power from the source itself. Talulah ordered her to use it only to bring peace and serenity. And so the wise women did. As the human kind came to peace, human species started to live in communion. The woman had six children and gave her gifts to them to continue the line of magic bearers and so they did. But they all took an oath for their magic powers to never be know to human kind. So it remained like that to this day and we are still blessed with gifts of our beloved Talulah. You are bound to cherish it, respect it and never to misused it." Atrix finished the legend peacefully but at the end of the last sentence he lighted a candle that was on the little table between them. Classic he thought to himself with a slight smirk on his face.

Adeline remained calm seeing the candle being lit up, but she was jumping to the roof in her mind. There were two options. To check herself in the mental hospital right this moment or to test this new theory of magic being real. 

Fortunately she decided for the second option and the last faze of her acceptance came as a stream of questions that Atrix patiently answered.  

Adeline learned that she got her gift from her beloved mother and that her grandma was also a witch. Now witches and warlocks were not so skilled to draw the power directly from the source because the bloodline fragmented through time. Now they use grimoires that usually get passed down in family and they are full of sacred incantations for spells. 

The conversation ended up to be a marathon of asking and answering questions and by the time there was only one question left for Adeline to ask, it was 5 am. The last question was now, fully convinced Adeline, making angry.

"For now I just want to know one more thing" she was scared of the answer now. "How are Astrid, Kellam and that whole community connected to this?"

"No wonder you were so freaked out about yourself if she didn't tell you about herself. I knew it. They are so selfish." now Atrix was getting angry. "They are werewolves Adeline. Your so called best friend is a werewolf!"

Wow, she didn't expect this at all. "Are you telling me that all that teen fantasy crap is real?"

"All that and much more. Although there are so many misconceptions in that stories. You have a lot to learn." Atrix said

"I also have a lot more answers to demand to be answered. I have to find Astrid. She can't keep this from me. She owes me an explanation!"

"No, Adeline please. You will only make this situation worse. Our neighbors and we are currently at a little misunderstanding so you being the alphas mate is certainly not making the situation any better and.." Atrix started to blabber but Adeline stopped him "I am whose what?"  

And Atrix froze instantly. He wasn't supposed to tell her that yet. He messed up big time and now he doesn't know how to cover this up. 

"I wasn't supposed to say that. But out or the little respect I am left for them I am going to let them explain everything to you. I am not the right person. I am so sorry Adeline but I can't" by the time he got to his last word Adeline was already storming out of his house and speeding to the village Eelry. 

She was so furious that she didn't even know how she got there when she realized she was standing in front of Astrids house. But she just entered.

Only Kellam felt her before she came but he thought that at last he was truly going mad from the lack of the bond. But he wasn't going mad because a second later Adeline entered their house and now even Astrid and Marcus, that were having a breakfast with him, could smell her. They all got up from the table and headed to the entrance. They meet at the entrance to the kitchen and by one look at Adeline his heart broke to million parts. She looked like she was breaking too and when she spoke his assumptions were confirmed. 

"I know I am not much. I can be ignored and humiliated and I will still love you because you are my best friend but just this once I beg you to tell me the truth because if you don't this is the last time I will forgive you. If you respect me just a little to keep you a good human being in my eyes you will do this for me, for my sanity. Please, I beg you." There was a tear that started to fall down the face of Adeline as the three of them stared blankly at her.


 Hello! Big discoveries coming in next chapters as you see. I was really lost at one point in this chapter and I don't know if I managed to get myself out of not. That is why I would love some feedback from you. How do you like the legend? Is it too basic? Did the revelation came too fast and did you even liked how things got down? 

Hope you all like it!

Stay safe and healthy!

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