Chapter 9

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Clary came in to the training room and watched me train Stevie. Then he went and asked Clary to train with him. After about an hour, he finally disarmed her. She started to tell Stevie that he reminded her of somebody and that is when I told her I would get back at her. I ran after her with my Seraph blade but she managed to pull one out of the wall rack and turned to face me. We fought like the old times we spent in this training room. Then we changed to hand to hand combat. I finally swept her feet from under her and had her on the floor again. I straddled her hips and had her arms pinned. Our eyes met and I felt my heart beating so fast and loud that I felt like the whole Institute can hear it. She was staring at my lips thinking that I did not notice so I started to slowly press my lips on hers. Again that electric current started to course through my body as started to kiss her. It was something that I could not stop, my body had a mind of its own. I started kissing her, running my tongue against her bottom lip and she parted her lips for me. She allowed my tongue to explore hers and I tasted her, I was feeling desire and want go through me. I want her like I wanted her the first time she came into my life. This cannot happen right now, I cannot lose control. I ended the kiss gently so I would not hurt her feelings and stood up pulling her with me.

"I am so sorry, Clary. I should not have done that. My request was for me to take my time but I am rushing my self."

"It is okay, Jace. I really did not mind, believe me. My feelings for you are still here in my heart.  All you are doing is making me remember all your kisses from the past, just new and improved because now you are older."

"So, I am a better kisser now? You are saying that I improved with my age?"

"Now you sound more like the arrogant Jace Herondale that I know and love."

"Well, would you like to go out with this arrogant Herondale to Pandemonium on Saturday night?"

"Hmm. I do not know. You see this guy Jace said he wanted to date me, so I do not know."

I took Clary's face in my hand and kissed her again and felt her shudder in my arms.

"How about now, will you go out with me on Saturday?"

"Yes, I will go out with you on Saturday. You have to stop kissing me like that though or I will not make it until then."

She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers and something stirred in my chest making my heart hurt. Is it possible for love to hurt me like this? Whatever it is, I do not care. I am going to pursue whatever this is and see it to the end. I got up pulling Clary with me. I have to go somewhere and get some air.

"Clary, I will talk to you later. I need to go somewhere and get some air. Please tell Stevie that I will be back in an hour or so."

"Sure, I will make sure to tell him. I will see you later."


I am not sure what that is about. One minute he is kissing and teasing me,  getting me to go out on another date, and the next he is running off to get some air. Jace has a lot of things to deal with right now, but he has to face them at some point. I walked out of the training room and ran into Izzy.

"Did something happen between you and Jace, because I so him practically run out of the Institute?"

"He has a lot of emotions and truths he needs to deal with. We were training and end up kissing. He asked me out on a date for Saturday and I said no teasing him so he kissed me again to convince me to say yes. I said yes of course but he got up and told me he needed to go out for some air and walked out of the training room before I could say anything else. He just told me to tell Stevie that he should be back in an hour."

"My brother is trying to fight his feelings for you. He is going to have to face them or he will not be able to go on with his life. I know he loved Isabeau, but you were his soulmate and that you can never fight. He needs to accept things for what they are."

"Well he is kissed me and asked me out again, so all I can do is just go with it and see what happens. I am not pushing him or anything. Everything is all up to him. I just hope he does not drive his own self crazy in the process."


"Clary, what are you planning on wearing to Pandemonium?"

"Let me show you. I think you will like it."

I went into my closet and got out a tight purple dress with black trimming along the v-line and hem. I went and put the dress on and came out for Izzy to see. I looked in the mirror before leaving the bathroom for Izzy to see. The dress hugged my figure and the v-line showed some cleavage. Jace is going to totally flip out when he see this dress. I walked out to show Izzy and to let her do my hair and makeup since that is probably her plan all along. I will be wearing thigh high boots with the dress.

"Well, what do you think? You think Jace will like this?"

"Of course he will. You look absolutely stunning! Now let me do the make up to go along with your dress."

Izzy did my hair and my makeup. She used purple eyeshadow to match the dress, but with a real smoky look. 

"Now you look mouthwatering. I cannot wait to see Jace's face when he sees you."


Thank the angels that it is Saturday night. I felt like the last few days just dragged. I am so nervous about tonight. All these feelings are stirring inside me, but one thing for sure is that I want Clary so bad. Am I ready to take this step in just a week from her being back? Is it just lust that I am feeling since I have not slept with anyone since I lost Isabeau? Or are these the feeling I felt once, a long time ago? I wore Clary's favorite outfit since I still remember what she likes to see on me. My black tight jeans with my combat boots and a black t-shirt with my favorite leather jacket. Of course I have my stele and Seraph blade hidden in my jacket, just in case. I walked out of my room to check on Stevie before I go.

"Hey, Stevie. This is it. I am taking Clary out tonight so I will be back really late. Aunt Izzy and uncle Simon will be here with you tonight. They are taking you out for pizza and then they are planning on some kind of movie night for you. Simon said of your choice."

"That sounds like fun and Uncle Simon is the best. Are you nervous about your night out with Clary?"

"I have to admit just a little."

"You will be fine dad and please have some fun. I have seen you smiling this past week more than ever since mom died. It is nice to see you smile again."

"Thanks, Stevie. I will try to have some fun. Clary has always made me smile in the past and I guess she is doing it again now. You behave yourself for Aunt Izzy and have a good time with them. I have to go. Clary should be ready to go."

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