Chapter 12

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One Year Later


Stevie and I are at the jewelers looking for an engagement ring for Clary. I decided that it is time to ask her to marry me again, but I want everything to be perfect. I want the proposal to be totally different than the Shadowhunter proposal since I did that with Isabeau. Clary has always been special and I think I want to get her a mundane engagement ring, but I also want it to have a little of my family crest. Stevie broke me away from my thoughts when he started calling me.

"Hey dad, I found it! The perfect ring for Clary. She will love it!"

I made my way to where Stevie was pointing at a ring through the glass of the counter where he was standing at.

"Okay, point it out to me."

"That one, right there."

I looked at the ring that Stevie was pointing to. It was beautiful with a diamond in sort of a square-shaped diamond with little emeralds around the place that held the diamond.  The next step was to plan where and how I was going to propose to her. The greenhouse would be great and it is one of her favorite places here at the Institute. I think that having a picnic with lots of candles would be ideal.


Jace and Stevie have been acting so secretive lately making me wonder what they are up to but at the same time, I do not want to interrupt father and son time. It has been a year since Jace and I started our relationship again and it has gotten really serious. This second time around is deeper than the first time we fell in love. I was eighteen and he was twenty compare to now that I am twenty-seven and he is twenty-nine, we are more mature and responsible with everything including our relationship. He is what I always wanted since that night at Pandemonium where both our lives had changed us forever and now he is all mine as I am his. Izzy called me into her office to talk in private.

"Hey, Izzy, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Do you have any idea what is wrong with Jace and Stevie?"

"No, I was just thinking about it myself. They have to be having some kind of secret adventure that does not include me?"

"Wait a minute, do you think Jace is going to propose to you?"

"No, I do not think so. What gave you that idea?"

"Clary, are you that dense? You were the only woman that made Jace brake every Clave rule to help you with your problems and then all he ever wanted was you."

"I am not sure if he is going to propose because we have not discussed marriage. I have not pushed Jace into any rash decisions that are not his own. Yes, I love him, but if he does propose, it will be because he chose to, not because I pushed him."

"Wow, I thought you would want him to propose, but I respect your way of thinking. You love Jace and have always known what is best for him."

"Whatever Jace and Stevie are up to, let them have their fun."

It looks like that is what he is up to, but I am not going to make anything of it. If Jace proposes, I will not say no because it has been what I always wanted. 


I have to talk to Izzy so that she can help me out with getting everything set. She can help Clary get dressed and doing her hair and makeup while Simon, Stevie, and I set everything else. I will text Izzy to get things going. 

Jace: Hey, I need your help, sis.

Izzy: What do you need help with?

Jace: I am proposing to Clary. Need you to keep her busy while I prepare.

Izzy: I knew it! What can I do?

Jace: In Stevie's closet there is a dress and shoes. Have her wear them and do her hair and makeup. I will text when she can come out of the room. Start getting her ready at four.

Izzy: Got it. What time do you need her by?

Jace: Six tonight.

Izzy: Good luck with everything!

Now that I have all this ready, I can set everything up. While Izzy is helping Clary get dress, I will have a path of candles leading to the greenhouse. There I will be waiting for her with a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. I will text her to follow the path of light and she will find me on one knee holding ring in my hand. This should be perfect. Now I am going to shower and get dressed. When I came out of my room, Stevie and Simon were waiting for me. I text Izzy to make sure that Clary does not leave the room until I am ready. Stevie and Simon started making the path of candles from Clary's room to the greenhouse and I set up the table for two with the champagne and strawberries. Everything looked beautiful once I had dimmed all the lights so that the candles could be seen perferfectly. Once everything was ready, at five minutes to six, I texted Izzy and told her that I would be waiting for Clary. She is to follow that path of lights to me. 


Izzy is bent on doing her magic on me with her makeup. She gets a text and tells me that it is time for me to follow the light. What is in the world is she talking about? I opened the door to find a path of candles starting at my door. I followed it to see where it would lead to. The candles were going towards the greenhouse. My heart was pounding with excitement, wondering what Jace had planned for me. I arrived at the greenhouse and when I opened the door Jace was on one knee holding something in his hand. A gasp came out of my mouth as I walked into the greenhouse, closing the door behind me. He is going to propose to me! By the angel, my dream is about to come true.

"Jace, what are you doing on your knee?"

"Love, just be quiet for a few minutes and listen to what I have to say."

"Okay, I will."

"Things did not work out for us eight years ago, with the visions that were sent to you that were not accurate, but you were led to think that they were true. You did not marry me trying to protect my feelings and maybe my sanity. I was forced into an arranged marriage that led to my falling in love with Isabeau and then two years later, she gave me a son. I had to choose between Isabeau and you, but at the time, I had to choose her and my son. We were happy for eight long years until she was taken away from me. With her last dying breath, she made me swear to go find you and to move on with my life for my son's sake. A year after her death, you walk into my life again and started stirring some feelings that were hidden deep down  inside me. We have been together for a year and it has been the most happiest year of my life and Stevie's life. I cannot live without you, Clary, because I fell in love with you all over again. Clarissa Adele Fairchild, will you marry me? Please be my wife."

"Jace, I have waited for a whole year, for you to say those words to me. Yes, yes I will marry you."

I put the engagement ring on her finger and stood up, taking her in my arms and kissing her. I deepened my kiss and she parted her lips letting me taste her. I pulled away slowly pecking her lips and trying to catch my breath. She was gasping with a smile forming on her lips. I turned around and poured us some champagne.

"I toast to us and our future together as husband and wife." 

Author Notes:

Hi guys!

Here is another chapter for you. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to the final chapter of Second Chance at Love. Do not forget to comment or vote!


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