Chapter 13

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Author's Note:

I owe you guys an apology. I just realized that due to a glitch in the system, Chapter 11 never posted. At least on my end it looked that way. If you did not notice then my chapters are flowing in a good way, but I cannot do you guys wrong, especially to those who have started following me. Thanks for your understanding.

Six Months Later


Today is my wedding day and I have never felt this nervous, not even when going on a hunt or battle. I kept pacing back and forth in my room and I feel like I am leaving a crevice on my floor. My feelings for her have changed since the first day I saw her talking to Stevie, now she is going to be mine forever. This going to be a good life for me, but most of all for Stevie. She has been good with him and he likes her a lot. Stevie walks into the room and starts shaking his head.

"Dad, will you stop pacing! Everything is going to be alright. Clary loves you and we are all going to be a family now"

"My young son, you are getting too wise for your age. Are you sure I am doing the right thing? This is your life too, you know."

"Yes, I love Clary like if she is my real mom. She does everything for me that mom used to do. Most of all, she makes you so happy. I like the way you are now since you have been with her."

"I am happier than I was two years ago after I lost your mom, but I did promise her that I would go on and find Clary and be happy for the both of us. She came back into my life and I just got another chance to be happy."

"Well, I need to get you out there. Uncle Alec said that the wedding will start soon."

"I am ready if you are."

We walked towards the room where the wedding was being held and seen all the guests that have arrived for the occasion. Alec came and stood by me holding a pillow that had my stele and the wedding bands that I had designed. It was a replica of my family ring in gold, but it had herons and fairy wings all the way around. In the inside it was engraved with; I will love you until the day I die." I am sure that Clary is going to love them. Soon, the music started to play and Izzy was walking down the aisle holding a pillow containing Clary's stele. Her dress was in a beautiful light green and her hair was up with flowers in it. She blended in with the decor of the room which was decorated to resemble the Seelie Court, where Clary and I had the kiss that made her realize that she still loved me. When the music changed, everyone stood up and when I looked up, there she was holding Luke's arm in the most beautiful gold dress I have ever seen. Her hair was down in curls just like I love it and her veil trailed down her back.  This is the moment that I have been waiting for. Isabeau knew that I loved her, but my love for Clary was a bond between us that stood hidden in a compartment of my heart and now it is open and I have never felt like I feel at this moment, watching her walking towards me. She looked nervous, but when we locked our eyes, she gave me the most angelic smile in the world. They reached me and Luke kissed Clary on the cheek, placing her hand in mine. We turned around and faced the Silent Brother who was going to perform our ceremony. We decided to have a traditional Shadowhunter wedding. The silent brother addressed the guests, stating that we were going to mark each other with the wedded rune, one in the hand and one over the heart. The one over the heart we will place on each other in private on our honeymoon night. Izzy held her pillow out to Clary so that she can get a hold of her stele and I rolled up the sleeve of my suit and shirt, so that she can reach the inside of my forearm where I had a blank spot. I knew that she was nervous, but as an artist, I knew that she would draw it flawlessly. When she was finished, Alec held out the pillow for me and I reached out for my stele, and she held out her right hand so that I can place it there. Then we reached out for the wedding bands, placing her ring on her finger first, and then she placed mine. We both looked at each other as tears rolled down our cheeks. The Silent Brothers pronounced us husband and wife, and I pulled her in my arms and kissed her with all the love and passion I felt for her. She leaned in closer, wrapping her finger through my hair at the back of my neck. Everyone started applauding and I had to pull back and end the kiss before we both forgot where we were. Then Izzy stood forward to announce us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Jace and Clary Herondale."

Everyone started applauding louder and cheering. Clary and I walked down the aisle as white feathers started falling from the ceiling, thanks to Magnus. He thought that white feathers was proper since Clary and I both have Ithuriel's blood, which makes us part angel. We all went to where the reception was going to be held and the music was already playing. Our first dance as husband and wife went well, and then Luke and Maryse, my mom, cut in and started dancing with us. Then it was Izzy and Simon's turn, then Alec and Magnus danced with Clary while I danced with Maia. The party was fun and we cut the cake and pictures were taken of every single event that was going on. Then it was time to leave on our honeymoon. Clary does not know it but I am taking her to Prague. We were there once when she was bonded to Jonathan, but I never had the chance to take her on the boat ride that I had promised her. I also was planning on taking her dancing to the Bone Chandelier and this time without her brother or plans of kidnapping the Seelie Queen.


When I looked up and saw Jace looking at with the angelic smile I loved so much, all my nervousness left me and I just wanted to run the rest of the way down the aisle. Then Luke, my dad, place my hand in Jace's and we were in front of the Silent Brother. I marked Jace with the wedded rune inside of his right arm and he place mine on my right hand. The one over the heart we will place tonight when we are all alone. We placed our rings on each other's ring finger and as soon as the Silent Brother pronounced us husband and wife, Jace pulled and kissed me right away, in a passionate kiss. Now I am dancing in his arms, our first dance as husband and wife. This feels like a dream that I do not want to wake up out of no matter what. Everyone was happy and having a good time. I danced with Stevie and he was so happy. He then tells me if we could talk and we went to a private corner. 

"Clary, I want to thank you so much for making dad so happy. After mom died, he was not smiling like he used to. He never went anywhere alone and when he did, it was to take me somewhere. When he saw you the they you arrived, I saw something in his eyes change and ever since that day, he was happy again. I loved my mom so much and I miss her, but she will never come back to us. If you do not mind, I do not want to call you Clary any more, but mom, if this is okay with you."

"Oh, Stevie, I will never be able to replace you mom, but I promise you that I will be the best mom ever. Of course you can call me mom!"

I was so happy that Stevie loves me and accepts me as his new mom. He brought tears to my eyes.I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. Just then, Jace came looking for me. He looked puzzled at Stevie and me, but Stevie hugged him tight, winked at me, and walked away.

"What was that all about?"

"Our son was thanking me for making you happy."

"Our son? Hmm, what is going on here?"

"He just asked me if he can call me mom from now on!"

"Wow, he never talked to me about it. I guess he is growing up more than what I thought. Any way, Magnus is waiting to portal us to our honeymoon destination."

"Where are we going?"

"It is a surprise. Oh, and I told Izzy that I will be the one helping you with your dress."

"Well, I can not wait to see where we are going and how you are going to figure out how to get me out of this dress!"

"Well, I might surprise you, after all I am a Herondale."

"So am I, Jace, so am I!"

Author's Note:

Hi guys, a little long on the chapter, but I know that you are loving it. Please let me know if you like it and do not forget to vote. Thanks for all your comments, and you know who you are!

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